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I've been playing dayz for quite awhile now and have met up with a lot of survivors but none of them really take the game seriously. I'm looking for a small crew/clan that i can roll with and hopefully set up a decent camp and loot the shit out of Chernarus. If you're a bunch of newer players that's cool i can show you the ropes, if you're a couple of experienced players then all the better. In game i usually play by the rule if i'm not seen i won't shoot, unless of course i see you with something shiny and you look threatening. if you see me and take a couple shots then i will go out of my way to hunt you down and rambo the shit out of your ass. :D pm me, post here, or add my steam if you're interested.

Edited by MF Machiavelli

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I'm currently setting up a group with a few people, add me on skype for more information.

-> al3x-bruhn

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I'm willing to team up. Have been wanting to properly loot for a long time now. Whats your steam name? Or add me: greenmz

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