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I accidentally the whole thing.

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Well, I have unintentionally become a 'DCer'.

I was in the woods near Zelenogorsk, having just had an only slightly successful supermarket run. A zombie followed me up the slope and was somehow able to hit me, though the slope was great enough that I had to walk... Unusual, in my experience.

Anyway, I stupidly had not picked up any painkillers. Despite the fact that I had in-and-out'ed the store quickly because I heard gun shots nearby and should just be getting out of there, I shrugged and hightailed it in the direction of the store.

As I was running, I of course picked up several zombies. As I neared the store, I started taking fire. I tried to zigzag around a little, but it wasn't much good. They kept firing and I was eventually unconscious with zombies gnawing on my tender essentials.

I waitied and died. The 'YOU ARE DEAD' screen came up. I chose 'Abort' and then disconnected and went to get ready for the day (I usually do other stuff for a while after dying, and today was no exception).

After doing some dishes and showering... I reconnected... outside the grocery in Zeleno... with all my stuff (and, by the way, still needing those pain killers).


To the guy who shot me, I am sorry that you did not get my stuff. You deserved it.

But, I am wondering... Is the correct protocol to respawn, THEN disconnect? I mean, I waited for the DEAD screen... How long SHOULD one wait? I don't want to cheat people out of my stuff if they get the drop on me.

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I've read that if you disconnect, your corpse disappears. So even if you were to respawn and then abort, it'd be gone when you aborted. Haven't tested it, myself, but I have seen a body disappear right in front of my eyes when I was about to loot it.

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game didnt save your progress for some reason, if you got the you are dead screen, it isnt your fault. be happy normally you need to start new.

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Sometimes the server does that... might have reverted back to a previous safe a few minutes before your death - lucky you. Generally, when you die, your corpse stays

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Lucky :)

On a related note, I was at the NWAF a few nights back with a mate and we killed a sniper, after I died from a bug and he died from another sniper. I went back there the next day probably 18-20 hours later and the body of the sniper we killed was STILL THERE so I looted that and skipped merrily along :D

How long do they normally last?

The body was on top of the fire station tower on the FR5 server.

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Not referring to OP when saying this;

Why can't people simply take when they've been out-matched and gunned-down? Is your life really so important that you have to cheat someone out of a fair kill and it's subsequent rewards?

If you can't to take a death, then go play something more suited to your tastes... I'll even link you to the trailer.


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Funny, I saw exactly the same thing yesterday evening, only there was nobody shooting at the guy with the zombie train. He ran behind a little wall behind the Zelenogorsk supermarket including his zombies and none of them were ever seen again. At least not by me, I was about to DC behind the supermarket and go eat dinner. But when I saw the guy I shouted for him to come to me, planing to clear him of the zombie train but as nothing happened for a few minutes I decided he DCed taking his zombies with him and I ran a bit away and DCed too.

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Same thing happened to me a couple of nights ago. Me and some friends were raiding the NW airfield at night. After about 10-15 minutes of raiding we get into a firefight with another team. I take one in the face and dropped to 3k health and started bleeding out. I attempted a bandage but got finished off. Got the "You are dead" screen and everything. I aborted after this to watch the lobby and see who was DC'ing and/or ghosting and to listed to the firefight through TS3. Eventually my bro's prevailed and I load back in to see where I was going to spawn at, I loaded right back in on top of my body and scared the shit ouf my friends that they almost shot me. My body was still there and I essentially cloned myself. Every item I had got doubled. I was actually staring at myself on the ground.

I hate alt+f4'ers and will never be one. Guess karma came back to me that day.

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I had this happen a shitton right after 1.7.2 came out, it may have something to due with server/Hive desync and save files getting mixed up.

Was alive with one guy. Logged out, went to another server (3 hour intervening period, give me a break). Came in to "You are DEAD" screen. Piss! Respawn, play a new character, log out. Log in, BACK to old character with all my gear, set about 30 minutes before my first log out. Play 12 days, get killed. Respawn as the second character with all HIS gear in the place I left him.

I was close enough to catch my killer as he was looting me :P

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When you disconnect your body is gone, so anyways he wasnt looting you even if you didnt recover your things

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Not referring to OP when saying this;

Why can't people simply take when they've been out-matched and gunned-down? Is your life really so important that you have to cheat someone out of a fair kill and it's subsequent rewards?

If you can't to take a death, then go play something more suited to your tastes... I'll even link you to the trailer.


Wow that is amazing I think ill start adding that in markers on the map when ever some one DC in front of me :D.

"Dear _____ thank you for playing DayZ. It has come to my attention that you can't play this game becaue you lack the maturity to accept the consequences of your actions, because of this we recommend you go play "Barbie Dress Up Game" insted. Here is a link to the trailer

We hope you enjoy.


The DayZ team

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