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Server setup questions

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While I wait for an instance ID can anyone tell me what I need to do to set up the server when I get it? All I have found is ARMA 2: CO dedicated server guides, are their any sepecifics I should know about a Dayz server setup? Or is it just like any other ARMA 2 mod?

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You receive a link to the server files and installation instructions if you're accepted.

Edited by Orcworm

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You receive a link to the server files and installation instructions if you're accepted.


It's all very straight forward though. Only real thing you can do in preparation is download the Arma 2 and Arma 2 operation arrowhead files to your server if you haven't already. Don't worry too much about setting it up as they'll give you a default set of config files to use. Other then that you're stuck waiting.

Edited by Alfie

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I know this thread is bit old but I just logged in and found out that my Instance ID was approved.

No eMail or something like that to tell me that I got it ...

Second ... there are no installation instructions. After 1 hour of google search I give up and ask in this forum.

So ... here I am:

I installed ArmA2 and ArmA2OA on my dedicated server.

I installed Six Launcher and installed DayZ.

I downloaded the server files fiven in the server_files.txt-file.

What do I need to do now?

Where do I have to extract the files? How do I start the DayZ-Server?

Please ... RSVP ASAP :)

Thx in advance!

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