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THE ONLY THING REALISTIC IN THIS MOD IS THE GUNS. Guns kill people in this mod like they would in real life: 1-2 shots and they drop.

EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOT REALISTIC AT ALL. So everyone should stop replying to posts that suggest a idea that is "unrealistic" and complaining that it would be a terrible idea.


You've been shot! Oh, but don't worry all you need to do is apply a bandage and you're fine! (so realistic)

You've lost a ton of blood! Just have your trustworthy friend who is obviously a doctor pour a blood bag into you and instantly heal all wounds! Or you could just eat some food because food also heals all wounds. (except broken legs)

Oh no! Your friend has passed out from being hurt! Just poke him with a Epi-Pen and bam! He awakes!

You've broken your leg... just inject some Morphine and magically your leg is healed! No matter what has happened to it!

I'm sure there are other things that are obviously unrealistic in DayZ but this is off the top of my head and I can't think of right now… but please… tell me how this mod is realistic?

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I agree, but it would be really hard to realize "realistic" game. It's still just a game.

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Oh no! Your friend has passed out from being hurt! Just poke him with a Epi-Pen and bam! He awakes!

How is that not realistic?

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I dare you to make a MOD within ARMAII which is realistic enough to keep the hardcores happy, but forgiving enough to let average Joe's interested.

I don't think it's as easy as you think just to change CORE mechanics.

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not sure if sarcasm.... but go and google epipen....

It's clearly meant to be an adrenaline shot to the heart.

Edited by Haliber
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not sure if sarcasm.... but go and google epipen....

Not sure if retarded...

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Not to mention how the fuck i am eatin all dem beans with no can opener. Its bullshit.

well it could be one of those pull tab ones but I'm not sure

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not sure if sarcasm.... but go and google epipen....

EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr Auto-Injectors (0.3 and 0.15 mg epinephrine) are used for the injection of epinephrine, the first-line treatment for life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) according to the NIH-NIAID Food Allergy guidelines. EpiPen Auto-Injector is used to treat signs and symptoms of a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), some of which include hives, redness of the skin, tightness in the throat, breathing problems and/or a decrease in blood pressure. A life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) can be caused by triggers such as food, stinging and biting insects, medicines, zombies, latex, or even exercise.

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EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr Auto-Injectors (0.3 and 0.15 mg epinephrine) are used for the injection of epinephrine, the first-line treatment for life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) according to the NIH-NIAID Food Allergy guidelines. EpiPen Auto-Injector is used to treat signs and symptoms of a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), some of which include hives, redness of the skin, tightness in the throat, breathing problems and/or a decrease in blood pressure. A life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) can be caused by triggers such as food, stinging and biting insects, medicines, zombies, latex, or even exercise.

lol "zombies" but it says nothing about waking someone up if unconscious...

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lol "zombies" but it says nothing about waking someone up if unconscious...

Maybe it's not just being unconcious - maybe it's some kind of shock enduced by pain+fear+airborne virus which can be treated in the same way that severe anaphylactic shock could induce semi comas.

Stop overthinking this shit anyway.

Edited by Haliber

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lol "zombies" but it says nothing about waking someone up if unconscious...

Holy shit what do you think if you get a dose of FUCKING ADRENALINE in your heart? The thing basically kickstarts you. It's like a defib unit but for people that are unconscious.

"Oh but smelling salts are more realistic then because you would find them more often than EpiPens."

No an EpiPen is common stuff in hospitals you twat.

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realistic moon star and sun cycles per anno,

realistic landscape

realistic engagement ranges

realistic wound systems (try arma without medics not dayz)

You need to see arma not dayz, if you want more get ace2.

Its not a game its a big scenario editor where you can simulate diffrent situations.

of course you can bring in unrealistic features as much as you want (zombies, rudimentary medic systems, laser cannons etc)

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My character never has to go poo and now I mad.

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Maybe it's not just being unconcious - maybe it's some kind of shock enduced by pain+fear+airborne virus which can be treated in the same way that severe anaphylactic shock could induce semi comas.

Stop overthinking this shit anyway.

all I was trying to say is this mod is not as realistic as people say.

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all I was trying to say is this mod is not as realistic as people say.

It's the most realistic of anything else.

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It's the most realistic of anything else.

I second this.

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THE ONLY THING REALISTIC IN THIS MOD IS THE GUNS. Guns kill people in this mod like they would in real life: 1-2 shots and they drop.

EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOT REALISTIC AT ALL. So everyone should stop replying to posts that suggest a idea that is "unrealistic" and complaining that it would be a terrible idea.


You've been shot! Oh, but don't worry all you need to do is apply a bandage and you're fine! (so realistic)

You've lost a ton of blood! Just have your trustworthy friend who is obviously a doctor pour a blood bag into you and instantly heal all wounds! Or you could just eat some food because food also heals all wounds. (except broken legs)

Oh no! Your friend has passed out from being hurt! Just poke him with a Epi-Pen and bam! He awakes!

You've broken your leg... just inject some Morphine and magically your leg is healed! No matter what has happened to it!

I'm sure there are other things that are obviously unrealistic in DayZ but this is off the top of my head and I can't think of right now… but please… tell me how this mod is realistic?

Youve been shot - maybe its just a flesh wound? so a bandage 'would' stop the bleeding. anything to say otherwise?

your freind using blood bags - its an apocolypse! if your friend is dieing wouldnt you try something to save them even if you wernt completly sure what your doing.

epi pen, already been mentioned above...

food heals wounds - food is needed to live, if your ill etc yes food raises your health irl.... same as in game... ie protien in food. and beans are actually very good for you and contain lots of protien.

lastly its still a game, you still need a little imagination. if you got shot in game maybe you could just lie in the same possition for as long as a real person would before they die..or maybe your character could be in a coma for a few weeks...yeah fun game!! moron...

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This is like watching a film that is a bit gritty and trying to add a sense of realism while also adding in some action and you have a person constantly bitching that 'that wouldn't happen, that's so unrealistic'.

Bottom line; it's a game. There are zombies, you can run for hours without needing to stop, my guy has been alive for 4 days and has yet to sleep, piss or shit and I can get shot and keep on running.

Yes, there is a SENSE of realism, but you also need to open your mind some and accept some stuff.

Don't be such a bitch.

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Me, I understand "bandage" "morphine" and "blood bags" as abstractions for medical procedures. Bandaging a wound would including cleaning it and doing antisepsis. Morphine would be bone-repairing surgery. Blood bag would be a deep surgical procedure to extract a bullet, repair internal organs, sew up huge gaping wounds from a zombie attack, and whatnot.

Edited by takfar

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