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Connecting Failed

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Hi all,

I noticed on some servers I am getting connecting failed (when connecting via in game browser) however if I launch via 6 Launcher or Dayz commander I either can't see the specific servers or they are listed as unresponsive, trying to connect via this method will just stay on "wait for host".

now normally I would put this down to a server issue, however apart from myself and one other guy everyone else in our group can get onto these servers, I am wondering if anyone knows of a solution to this? I know there have been a few posts about this before but there haven’t been any answers so I thought I would create a new one with more specific information rather than necroing and old post.

my next step in sorting this is trying to see if the server admin can see anything in the logs when I try and connect.

Note : I have uninstalled and reinstalled BattleEye, Arma 2 (free) and Operation Arrowhead(steam) as well as tried several different beta patch versions with no effect. my game was working fine prior to noticing this issue.

thanks in advance



Guys Steps to try :

Check port forwarding

remove and reinstall BE manually

remove and reinstall OA beta

reinstall ARMA 2 free, Reinstall OA

remove everything including Dayz, and reinstall

no joy so far!

on latest BE and latest OA beta!

Remember to post in this Thread to keep it alive, if you and your friends all have the problem get them involved, if you run a server and users get this issue, check your logs and post in here! is you work on Dayz or for Bohemia then please help us out!

Please also check yout ArmA2OA.RPT file

fyi its located here:

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\

open it with notepad and scroll down to find the latest errors

In my case I get NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2)

Credit to caddrel for posting that one!

Note: some people can get around this :

You CAN join servers that you get Connecting Failed to by using the Six Updater. You can join servers through the Six Updater's built-in server list.

Edited by Shinobi
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FYI Beta patch 95168 has had No effect on this, seems a growing number of players are getting this across the Arma 2 community.

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yep getting this, was in a server with no problem and when it restarted couldnt get in

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Yep I have this problem as well. Found a good server earlier today, played for a couple hours, left and came back a few hours later and cannot connect. Keep getting simply "Connecting Failed." a few seconds after attempting to join.

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Yea it seems to be a growing problem! hoping someone can provide a fix soon, will test beta 95208 shortly to see if it makes a difference

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Confirmed latest Beta makes no difference to this issue! Can anyone from the Dayz team please provide suggestions, or liaise with Bis as I keep seeing more and more people with this issue!

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I had the same probs with some friends last night and we were getting stuck connecting on everything we tried. I think jumping to the new beta every time its released is the problem. People should stay with what works (I was using 95054 and that was fine), who knows if the beta is working or not its still beta and therefore fallible just like the alpha of DZ.

Edited by disorder
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Hi Disorder! What have you tried to resolve it?? My suspicion is an incompatibility in the new version of BE and the Arma 2 beta (I may be wrong though), Although it didn't work for me I would recommend reinstalling BE yourself manually to see if it works ( as I know of it sorting the issue in a couple of instances)

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New BE Dll's available, still didn't work in my case but would urge you guys to try

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I have the same issue. I've found no solutions and are now hoping that there's someone more tech savvy than me to help us with this! :)

Edit: This goes for all servers I've tried 10+.

Double edit: I've noticed that I can join all the servers that I can see the ping from the server list when I refresh. But I frequent servers I know have good ping even though in the server list it says 2500.

Edited by snooken
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Hi Snooken! I think my issue is slightly differnt to yours as I can connect to most servers, just not certain ones which is odd! what have you tried to fix it? here's what I did

Check port forwarding

remove and reinstall BE manually

remove and reinstall OA beta

reinstall ARMA 2 free, Reinstall OA

remove everything including Dayz, and reinstall

no joy so far!

on latest BE and latest OA beta!

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Hello Everyone,

Same story here, latest patches have been applied to everything and I get multiple servers that have the "Connecting Failed" error. It would be nice to know if the connection failure is to BE, the Hive or the hosting server. At least then it would give me a starting point to troubleshoot.

Good luck everyone!

- H

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Shinobi, I've done everything you have except fresh install on Arma and OA. That would take quite some time for me to redownload the two games. I'd rather wait a bit and check if someone resolves the issue without reinstalling. If all else fails I will redownload this coming night.

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Hi Snooken, do you live near anyone with both of them on steam? you could do a steam backup and shove it on an external drive!? Hudson yea its a pain, its a none descript error.

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Will maybe try that later. My friend was unable to join when starting through Steam. He used Six-Launcher and was able to join the server straight away. Trying that now and will report back.

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Ok, I've currently resolved this by installing the Six-Updater and playing DayZ through that instead of Steam. I was able to join all the servers I got "Connecting Failed" to. Hope this will help you Shinobi.

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Hi Snooken, afraid not for me! one of the first things I tried! but congrats mate! have fun

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Well, in my specific issue, I get a "connection failed" through the beta launcher, however I can connect just fine through Sixlauncher or DayZCommander, however when I boot the game with the latter two my scroll wheel doesn't seem to be recognized by the game, rendering me unable to use the context menu and basically playing the game :(

Reinstalling stuff doesn't seem to help in any way.

BTW; already made a topic about it, but it seemed alright to repost the issue here as well;


Edited by Svardskampe
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Hi Svardskampe! Can't help you with the mouse one never come across that before! have you got some sort of weird gaming mouse? and have you checked your in game mappings? other than that I cant help with mouse problems and would keep that to a separate thread! for your connection issues please try what I posted earlier!

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I have the same connection failed issue. Was playing last night for a while. Disconnected then went to rejoin and got the error. My mate also tried disconnecting and got this error. Now a few others. After reading this post I tried to launch via six launcher and it loaded the problem server fine. Only problem is I also have the "non functioning" control wheel problem.

Seems odd to me as I had manually installed beta patch 95208. But when I load six launcher it updated my beta file, but it still shows 95208. Dont understand why it would need to update if the beta was already installed.

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I got slightly the same issue. Some servers I get connected, but after a while I get kicked my BattleEye for script restriction #55. Though, I can't connect to the most servers. Tried to put in a new BattleEye.dll but it didn't work, playing with 95208. My friend also got it like 15 minutes after me.

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HI SSKludde, Can't help with that, its an entirely different issue by the look of it, id recommend making a separate post for that one! but you could try fully removing battleye with the uninstall tool then starting from scratch?

on another note seems to be happening on more servers than ever for me today! can still get on some but more often than not I cant!

Edited by Shinobi

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Scottyboy and Svardskampe I suggest you try the things I mentioned earlier in regards to the connecting issue, in terms of your mouse problems I have no idea, perhaps you both have the same mouse /mouse driver/laptop/whatever thats causing this, either way its a very unusual separate issue!

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