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What if everyone started with a tent?

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the reason why I like tents is because they create incentive for players to keep going scavenging for more so they can store away in their tents.

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It also gives you a slight sense of safety in the thought that somewhere in this barren wasteland, there is a tent expecting you to come home <3

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clans would probably be able to harvest tents then :P

Yeah, true. Then let's say, every player gets his tent when he got 10 zombie kills. I'm playing alone and it's nearly impossible to find a tent. Although they are essential to play this game for longer periods.

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Bad idea, think there are tentcities now? If everyone started with a tent you'd see a tent every 10 feet.

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I am going out on a limb here assuming that the reason why our starting inventory is so sparse is because when you respawn, you're simulating a new survivor showing up on the shores of Chernarus, with only a few scraps of whatever life they had before in their pockets.

Oh, and a giant. ass. tent.

Although, to be fair, it would be pretty hilarious to respawn, look around, and see just a sea of tents on the beaches and the hills around the coast. Not all the time, but maybe once.

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Yeah, true. Then let's say, every player gets his tent when he got 10 zombie kills. I'm playing alone and it's nearly impossible to find a tent. Although they are essential to play this game for longer periods.

No thanks, I'd rather not have any get 50 kills to get x. That belongs in a game like Call of Duty, not a mod like Day Z and that's where it can stay.

Also I'm against starting with a tent as there will be tents littered all over the coast and everywhere. Also a tent is an item that you should strive to get and actively look for, all because you can't find one, doesn't mean that everyone should start off with one. I get it may be frustataring, but isn't that what Day Z is all about.

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Bad idea, think there are tentcities now? If everyone started with a tent you'd see a tent every 10 feet.

Limit one tent per player.... problem solved

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Omg guys have some creativity... This game is super-far from being realistic. A system where at x kills you get a particular item won't affect anyone's opinion about the game.

Concerning the tent cities: Tents, from now on, would be stealable for everyone.

Edited by andrew99

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What does this suggestion add to the games? Where does it makes it more interesting?

To me this is just a request for instant gratification.

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everyone starting with a tent would be horid

they are not that hard to find.... this game is not meant to be easy xD

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1 tent per player.

if( player == dead AND player_tent == 1)


player_starting_tent = false


End if

problem solved

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Lets be real here guys. If we wanted this to be realistic then I should be starting with a handgun, 2 mags, 870 remington, 50 shells, 20 slugs, flashlight, mace, knife, BDUs, tent, 3 days worth of food and water, heat packs, can opener, compass, whistle and GPS.

Everyone talks about making this realistic so how about it?

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Lets be real here guys. If we wanted this to be realistic then I should be starting with a handgun, 2 mags, 870 remington, 50 shells, 20 slugs, flashlight, mace, knife, BDUs, tent, 3 days worth of food and water, heat packs, can opener, compass, whistle and GPS.

Everyone talks about making this realistic so how about it?

Hah, true true. If you find yourself without a weapon in the middle of nothing full of zombies and armed people, you're wasted.

What does this suggestion add to the games? Where does it makes it more interesting?

To me this is just a request for instant gratification.

With this change it won't be impossible to get higher gears without being in a group. Stop fearing all the time that this game loses its "hardcoreness" at every change which is not make it even harder.

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no weapon no food no drink but start with a tent i don't see rlly the point in this unless u could use the tent like an axe :)

Think harder.

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Lets be real here guys. If we wanted this to be realistic then I should be starting with a handgun, 2 mags, 870 remington, 50 shells, 20 slugs, flashlight, mace, knife, BDUs, tent, 3 days worth of food and water, heat packs, can opener, compass, whistle and GPS.

Everyone talks about making this realistic so how about it?

Not in eastern europe :D

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There are plenty of reasons why this would be bad, one of those being that tents are being used as substitutes for wire to blockade building entrances and denying people of loot, which happens a lot on Cherno and Elektro already.

If you're trying to be serious about this suggestion, you should at least make proper statements on how this would affect gameplay. Just saying how you think an idea is awesome doesn't really move the suggestion forward.

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There are plenty of reasons why this would be bad, one of those being that tents are being used as substitutes for wire to blockade building entrances and denying people of loot, which happens a lot on Cherno and Elektro already.

If you're trying to be serious about this suggestion, you should at least make proper statements on how this would affect gameplay. Just saying how you think an idea is awesome doesn't really move the suggestion forward.

What are you trying to say? You said there are plenty of reasons, yet, you haven't mentioned any logical at all.

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i think it is good idea to start with really nothing

if you awake somewhere, especially at a cost, why you should have something?

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