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Ok so my guy became a cow... what now?

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ok so im playing and im about to enter this building on the outskirts of a city then my screen flashes from 3rd to first person. no big deal right? wrong. i get out of first person and im a cow. im being dead serious.

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o_O could u give a screen shot plz... would be much more believe able.

ctrl printscreen :)

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That's zombie vodoo.

*edit* - I believe you, yesterday some poor dude was turned into a rabbit.

Edited by Fraggle

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ok i logged out of the server then back in now im me again but i spawned on the side of the building. i wouldnt lie to you guys and even if i wanted to i couldnt make that up. it made me wat so hard

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I believe you, I've seen a video on YouTube of a guy that gets turned into a cow at the airfield.

I suspect hax.

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That explains a lot. I've seen few strangely behaving animals on the NWAF yesterday, suspected they were players but had no proof. Should have shot them as I wanted to.

Edited by metal

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3 quick questions to anyone polymorphed....

1. Did you lose all your gear when you relogged?

2. Did a relog fix it or did you have to do a bug report?

3. Has anyone died as an animal and do you know if ti causes gear reset?

Edited by Hendrix

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Cheaters are bored of spawning vehicles,weapons,nuking servers.. Now they find people and turn them into animals, specially if they are streaming.

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You should buy the game, its anti theft protection called fade.

if triggered it fuckes up the aim and transform you into animals during playing

Edited by Smithy

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I once became a bird after logging in. It happens.

not when you own a legit copy, never happend to me. Search for "FADE" in bohemia arma forums. Maybe its triggered wioth arma free somehow

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Lol what a Cow.

How do you move into 3rd person? (I know some servers have it disabled)

Its just WASD movement you cant run or anything

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3 quick questions to anyone polymorphed....

1. Did you lose all your gear when you relogged?

2. Did a relog fix it or did you have to do a bug report?

3. Has anyone died as an animal and do you know if ti causes gear reset?



3.i didnt die i just logged out.

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Somebody cast polymorph.

We must hurt them.

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So, you're a cow now. Can you be gutted? Cuz that would inspire a whole new type of banditry. I hear human meat is the most succulent.

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