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Some gameplay options regarding player bases / campsites

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It's logical, that one would attempt to conceal a small campsite as is the case now. Hunting for tents and harassing other players is also a common "endgame" activity, which also makes sense, and is fun.

However the persistence of tents on a server encourages players to place these campsites farther afield than is either realistic, or fun. It also encourages players to spread out their stuff across many servers, creating an unnatural glut of tents everywhere.

To address this I would suggest the following:

1. Base assets to be saved in the hive

2. However they would still be tied to only the server where they were placed.

3. Lastly that a player would have a small limit to the number of servers where deployed assets could be saved. For example a limit of two servers. Logically there would be a web or in game interface that would allow you to delete assets from the hive you placed on a server you can either no longer access/want allowing you to choose a new server.

4. The assets would not disappear for 10-15 mins after the owner disconnects (ideally this would apply to the player as well) preventing the lame logoffski issues currently present.

Also, while small campsites are a great feature, for a group of players working together, it's less important that a base is hidden, than it is that its defensible. Thus I would suggest adding additional deployable structures such that a proper base could be built.

Lastly on the topic of vehicles... Instead of making them a fixed limited quantity on a server, I think they should be rare spawns, or even built from rare part spawns. Stored in the hive, and disappear with their owner. Again encouraging players to attempt to hide vehicles in the far reaches of the map is not realistic, or fun. You should rage when you loose a vehicle, they should be rare and special, but the current mechanic I don't think works very well.

Some will suggest that "oh you just want your stuff safe". No not really, I want player vs player base raids to be more meaningful. I want players to have incentive to be there and defend, and not feel the need to put their bases so far away.

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Look up information regarding Rocket's underground bases. He has a great Q&A session at Rezzed where he talks about how he's considering instanced underground construction. For example, no matter what server you're on up above, when you go into your base, you're in your base. Look up more about it and you should watch the video

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