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"You are dead"

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Spend a few hours collecting enough gear to head north, then head north.

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Yeah, north was the plan...when I got there only last a couple of hours before I was sniped.

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It's a part of the game, learn to avoid them. Why do you think they do it? They go north and find the gear, then what is there? Hunting zombies gets boring, the next best thing is hunting people. You don't even have to go to the large towns, just go straight north and scavenge the barns where Winchesters are common. Then go to airfields where the good stuff is. It's possible. I know because I've done it and so have my buddies. The bandits have also done it. If moving at night is a problem, I'd suggest only playing during the day. Flares reveal your position and make you easy prey even for bandits without NVG's, but this should all be common sense.

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^ I think you have taken my QQ thread a little too seriously...

Also check my new sig >:)

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