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Death is for keeps (unless you alt+f4)

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Sniped 3 idiots building a campfire in the middle of a field durring broad daylight (they drove out there lol). One of them alt+f4'd, and even though he died before he got out, he respawned on top of his body with all his gear. I flanked around super wide to get an advantage on where I thought he ran to, but he caught me and I took 3 pistol rounds to the face. Gratz on winning by playing like a toolbox kids.

gratz on the as50, GPS, nvgs and dmr. Can't wait to see you again.

Edited by Iamtiger

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i got the drop on a ghillie suited mong yesterday was about 4 m away from him i put 5 rounds from my M4SD and he just dropped to the floor and logged, it takes a real bitch to log just so you don't get any gear. and its hard at the heat of the moment to grab there name

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Man all snipers alt-f4, most of them suck really bad too so they cant kill you haha.

Nope, the ones you are talking about are not snipers. Snipers can effectively shoot targets 600+ meters away even when they are running.

You just encountered a whole bunch of noobs.

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Snipers are really tough and bad.... Until they become the victim, then they are just like the newbs they prey on. Oh wait, their newbs too, just with a scope.

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The funniest one was when a guy did that to me, so I moved about 100m back of my position coz I had a feeling he was going to try and ghost me.. literally logged into the bush right in front of me facing the opposite way. I waited until he started looking around for me then popped him in the head with my revolver lol.

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I'll play the avoidance role, so I'll say sniping is a pretty big part of that. What most snipers don't realize they need to do is change location often.

I've been successful killing people sneaking up on me even when I've used my M9SD versus whatever they have.

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