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The Difference Between A Good Bandit and a Bad Bandit

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Bad Bandit - Someone who kills anyone they see on sight for their loot then moves on and repeats this process everytime they run into someone. In my opinion, this isn't fun at all.

Good Bandit - Someone who actually wants to play the bandit role correctly. When they see someone, they will run over to them and attempt to take said person hostage, demand supplies, ect ect. I think this is much more fun then the normal kill on sight bandit. It's a shame maybe 2% of DayZ bandit players actually do this.

Edited by Bobman
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A bad bandit is the guy who was shooting at me tonight in electro, near the fire station. He must have fired 20+ shots at me and missed every time.

I had a giant grey polygon artifact obscuring my vision, I'm pretty sure the game wasn't rendering him on my screen (just like half of the map), and I only had 2k blood left, so I was ready to pass out at any time. I assume he either ran out of ammo or retreated from combat due to my 1337 running skills.

That was a bad bandit.

Edited by Survivor-Kyle
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A group of friends and I, when we're feeling particularly bandity (not often in my case), will hold up players we see and order them to tell us a joke. If we like the joke, they live. If we don't, well... more beans for us.

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I bet "Good Bandits" live much shorter lives.

Not when they're in groups. You'd be pretty stupid bandit to run up to a guy by yourself when that guy is carrying a AK.

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Well, I met some 'good' bandits. They drove up to me in a white pickup while I was looting a place, so I started to run. They got out of the car and said, "Stop running or we will shoot!" So I stopped, and they took the Pepsi and Lee Enfield mags I had. After that, they shot my legs and gave me a bandage and drove off. I found this to be a decent banditry, instead of just being shot.

Later on I saw the white truck exploded though, and I couldn't help but laugh.

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In the ~200hours I've spent playing in DayZ, I have never once seen anyone play how you describe a "good" bandit. I'm not sure that would be particularly successful either, as it goes both ways; most survivors are just gonna shoot at him and kill him/be killed. Most "bandits" in DayZ are just deathmatchers, not interested in anything but MANSHOOT.

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i met a total number of 4 bad bandits yesterday.

2 standing still on top of a firestation (thx for free supplies)

and their 2 buddies shooting at me with snipers from range (felt like they shot like >40 times without hitting me) just to close in at me by the supermarket, where they didn't expect me to fight back (well they were wrong).

That are bad bandits... if you want to be the badass sniper bandit, learn how to use a sniperrifle -.-

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A good bandit shots on site.

A bad bandit will talk to you. Whys he bad? Because this one is dead.

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i met a total number of 4 bad bandits yesterday.

2 standing still on top of a firestation (thx for free supplies)

and their 2 buddies shooting at me with snipers from range (felt like they shot like >40 times without hitting me) just to close in at me by the supermarket, where they didn't expect me to fight back (well they were wrong).

That are bad bandits... if you want to be the badass sniper bandit, learn how to use a sniperrifle -.-

What are those dot things on the sniper scope again?

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the reason why there are like "2% good bandits" is cause as soon as you get close to a person with more then 1 guy they Alt+f4.

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A good bandit shots on site.

A bad bandit will talk to you. Whys he bad? Because this one is dead.

Honestly I think it should be:

A boring bandit shoots on site.

An interesting bandit talks to you first.

I'd love to see someone actually try to rob me without just trying to kill me first. I'd probably give him what he wanted just because of the novelty of the situation.

Edited by Ozark
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a good bandit is in the game, playing how they want and having fun.

a bad bandit sits on the forums all day trying to figure out how he is supposed to have fun.

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In the ~200hours I've spent playing in DayZ, I have never once seen anyone play how you describe a "good" bandit. I'm not sure that would be particularly successful either, as it goes both ways; most survivors are just gonna shoot at him and kill him/be killed. Most "bandits" in DayZ are just deathmatchers, not interested in anything but MANSHOOT.

And this is why it's better to have a group of friends rather then trying to play the good bandit on your own. Even if you die, you will have your friends to back you up and kill the survivor who decided to fight. Then your friends can grab your stuff and give it back to you.

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haha "good" bandit? Those are the types that get killed. Screw that I see you running down the street your dead. No warnings for you buddy. Its about survival. Not happy friendship time.

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Why take the chance? The person who takes the first shot is most likely the one to win the battle. My guess is most people would just shoot at you if given a chance in the hopes that they can take out at least one bandit before they die.

This is why non-lethal weapons need to exist. It would be much more rewarding to knock someone out, rob them of everything but a makarov mag, and leave them for dead. But then they're just going to respawn anyway, so might as well just kill them.

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Why take the chance? The person who takes the first shot is most likely the one to win the battle. My guess is most people would just shoot at you if given a chance in the hopes that they can take out at least one bandit before they die.

This is why non-lethal weapons need to exist. It would be much more rewarding to knock someone out, rob them of everything but a makarov mag, and leave them for dead. But then they're just going to respawn anyway, so might as well just kill them.

I'm just tired of this "Kill anyone on sight" bullshit. There is 0 player to player interaction other then killing them on sight or unless you have real life friends that you know won't kill you to play with. I help a guy from getting killed by hordes of zombies and then he shoots me in the back. Someone comes up to me and asks for a blood transfusion, I help him out and then get shot in the back. Maybe I'm too nice of a guy to be playing this game. It's just a shame this game has turned into nothing but a Call of Duty deathmatch game with some zombies thrown in.

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To me a "good" bandit would be one that actually takes the time to loot his kills.

A "bad" bandit is one that just simply kills because LOL kill count!

I kill people all the time but its so I can take their stuff.

P.S. Thanks guy I chopped up at military tents, your beans and DMR will go to good use.

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I'm just tired of this "Kill anyone on sight" bullshit. There is 0 player to player interaction other then killing them on sight or unless you have real life friends that you know won't kill you to play with. I help a guy from getting killed by hordes of zombies and then he shoots me in the back. Someone comes up to me and asks for a blood transfusion, I help him out and then get shot in the back. Maybe I'm too nice of a guy to be playing this game. It's just a shame this game has turned into nothing but a Call of Duty deathmatch game with some zombies thrown in.

Sorry, do you see people jumping from roof-tops, spinning through the air and attempting to snag a headshot with their sniple while you stand still at the base of the building? Do you see people literally zooming around the city, wielding naught but shotguns and blowing the crap out of people while having no regard for themselves in the process? Can you tell me where you were gut with a KNIFE?

This game isn't like CoD at all. There definitely isn't enough death for that to be the case to begin with. People are simply playing how they want to play - not attributing the whole experience to another game and trying to play as though they were in that instead.

Being shot is not weird for a game like this - it's survival of the fittest in virtual form. Some people will attempt to be the top dog, simply because they want to be the top dog. Who are you to tell them that they're playing the game wrong?

Show me some substantial proof that they're making the game UNPLAYABLE and I will listen to your side of things. But until then, people will continue to ignore you for your stupid comparisons and complaints.


Edited by M O N S T E R
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I can't believe how many whining kids play this game. So what if the bandit doesn't loot you? It's a game, PVP is one of it's primary features. If you don't like getting shot, get better at playing or get away from cherno/elektro lol.

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I can't believe how many whining kids play this game. So what if the bandit doesn't loot you? It's a game, PVP is one of it's primary features. If you don't like getting shot, get better at playing or get away from cherno/elektro lol.

I could care less if I am killed. I'll just respawn a new character. I just want people to make it more interesting then the same old kill on sight garbage. It gets old after awhile. As to your get away from the coast.. I do, once I gather a hunting knife, matches, and a hatchet I head towards the NW Airfield.

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making the assumption that each life's duration is its defining aspect

bad bandit = often fails in his or her attempts to obtain loot by nefarious means, lives a couple days each life

good bandit = his or her methods of obtaining loot regularly succeed, lives for weeks on end

or more generally

bad survivor = is well acquainted with death

good survivor = lives for weeks on end

Edited by Sandy

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