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Silenced Sniper Rifles

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I personally would like to see the introduction of a few silenced sniper rifles.

I know this idea would seem very bad to some because of the obvious ease of killing others and not being revealed, but honestly i hate when im providing overwatch for my group and when i shoot to support them, zombies start agro'ing me. so the introduction of a M110 silenced or some other silenced rifle would be awesome.

Plus if you think of the practical aspect of it, an overwatch team wouldn't be using a non-silenced weapon anyways.

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No thanks, I prefer being able to locate the sniper that's firing on me.

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I know that feeling, when im the "overwatch" i would love to be able to take out the zombies that are near them without getting a horde of zombies on me but at the same time it will be bad just because of the killing part like you said...

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I know that feeling, when im the "overwatch" i would love to be able to take out the zombies that are near them without getting a horde of zombies on me but at the same time it will be bad just because of the killing part like you said...

Well if there are zombies near you, then you are WAY to close. Overwatch shouldn't have zombies near them

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I kind of agree.

My idea is that gun's need attachments.

As in, you can find laser sights, silencers, scopes (acog, red-dot, zoom optics, etc), muzzles (anti-flash?), and maybe a few other things that I can't think of.

The attachments must work on specific weapons/weapon types.

This way every gun can be silenced, scoped, or nothing if preferred. Adding a slight weapon customization aspect to the game. I truly enjoy the thrill of finding a gun; so why not enjoy the thrill of making it bad ass, according to my tastes and terms?

I understand this would take a bit of modeling and coding, but it's just an idea.

Also, (I've seen this in other places over the forum), but I wouldn't mind seeing a weapon degradation system being implemented. This way not only do you find a gun, customize it, but also take care of it like it's your own baby. Forcing you to take some time to clean the gun and work on it as you must in real life.

Also, silencers should make bullet drop a bigger aspect.

Edited by venom110
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I think SD snipers would be to powerfull.

It would just take away all the skills that are required to be a really good sniper.

I am not even going to explain everything why this is my opinion, would take way to much time.There is so much skill required to be a good sniper, who only takes one shot for an enemy, and not just logout after the shot, because you cant run away after fired a whole mag at someone.

If you need a SD sniper, you are just a very bad sniper.

Edited by con7act
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Well if there are zombies near you, then you are WAY to close. Overwatch shouldn't have zombies near them

At some areas that arent that good places for me to snipe and have a good look at my team :/

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a silent sniper rifle could work, but it CANNOT be a 1 shot kill to a player if balance is to be preserved. it must be enough damage to kill a zombie in one hit though, or what would the point of shooting them be?

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Well if there are zombies near you, then you are WAY to close. Overwatch shouldn't have zombies near them

This is the answer. Nothing else matters.

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but if you think about it. if a sniper doesn't wanna be heard he uses a silencer... obviously the opposing force doesn't like it but its the choice of the sniper not the opposing force.

but obviously its a 50/50 split of people who would use it properly(overwatch) and who would not(bandits) but thats the risk they took actually making them too.

also in regards to the "your not a good sniper if you use a silencer" comment im fairly sure actual snipers use them too...if not they are more than far enough distance away not to be seen or even heard in time to react.

i also agree with venom...attachments would be sweet.

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i also agree with venom...attachments would be sweet.

There are attachements, just not removable ones. Silenced sniper rifles will kill the game.

If you are being heard with sniper shots by zombies, you're too close and you're a bad sniper.

Nothing else matters.

A sniper would not use a silencer if he is at a true overwatch range.

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you realize the report of a 7.62 rifle can be heard for quite a ways away....... ive seen people in a "proper" location agro zombies.

and a silencer doesn't mean your bad...just means your smart enough to know how to stay hidden.

also i disagree with your statement about not using one at proper overwatch range. simply because most the time they are far enough away to not even been seen with binocs to even have to worry about it

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the reason people are considered bad because they use one is because of COD and BF3. in real life people use them. this game is attempting to simulate a real life event...therefore its applicable to be used.

if not then the M110 Sniper system would not be sold with one.

Edited by Powers7rok3
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the reason people are considered bad because they use one is because of COD and BF3. in real life people use them. this game is attempting to simulate a real life event...therefore its applicable to be used.

if not then the M110 Sniper system would not be sold with one.

I agree.

Silencers are fun.

Also, to all people who say "Ew, noooooo. I'm tired of getting sniped," remember the first rule of Dayz.

Do NOT get attached to your gear.

Unless it's mountain dew.

Defend your mountain dew with your life.

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thank you...someone who actually understands the aspect of it.

even if they dont introduce the SD rifle, you will still get sniped SD or not if your hit your dead.... wont matter wither way.

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Sniper rifle silencers? Don't exist for all intents and purposes - sniper rifles need to use supersonic rounds to be effective (exception: VSS Vintorez 9mm subsonic). While the rifles in the game CAN be chambered with subsonic ammunition, subsonic 7.62 and .50 caliber rounds (and whatever the Russian rifles use) are so limited in use (and controlled in distribution) that they're practically custom made, and spawning large quantities of the ammunition in the backcountry of a Soviet satellite would be ridiculously unrealistic.

Gameplay or not, it's completely unrealistic to include silenced sniper rifles. You can justify having M16s scattered around by the game's campaign and military presence, sure. But for silenced rifles to be in the game, you'd have to say that Chernarus was crawling with SEAL teams and Spetsnaz armed to the teeth.

Edited by thorgold
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attachments are coming in Arma 3 but Arma 2 actually doesnt have.

There is a silenced sniper in Arma 2. But in the scenario we are dealing with chances of that gun being anywhere on that peninsula are slim to none

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There is a silenced sniper in Arma 2. But in the scenario we are dealing with chances of that gun being anywhere on that peninsula are slim to none

That would be the VSS Vintorez, a rifle for which production numbers is in the low thousands and for which ammo is custom made specifically for its only operators, Russian Spestnaz. It's not exactly standard issue, it'd be like finding an XM8 in a deerstand.

Edited by thorgold

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i never said anything about them being readily available....maybe at the time of the outbreak there was a squad of spetsnaz at the NW airfield.

the possibilities are endless with different scenario's.

either way it was an idea..i knew no one would like.

i do agree with you thorgold that it would be SUPER rare to find one given the rarity of the actual weapon(hence making it super rare in game)

and./ or random spawn locations so it cant be exploited

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That would be the VSS Vintorez, a rifle for which production numbers is in the low thousands and for which ammo is custom made specifically for its only operators, Russian Spestnaz. It's not exactly standard issue, it'd be like finding an XM8 in a deerstand.

You're telling me if there was a zombie outbreak in Russia, they wouldn't sent out all they had?

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You're telling me if there was a zombie outbreak in Russia, they wouldn't sent out all they had?

You're telling me that Chernarus is a more strategically important location than say, Moscow?

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Just stopping in to say HELL NO. Silenced snipers would be WAY too overpowered. Silenced assault rifles are well balanced so that if you want to sacrifice some range you can have a good long range silent weapon. Having range, power and accuracy all completely silent is just god mode.

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You're telling me if there was a zombie outbreak in Russia, they wouldn't sent out all they had?

They would sent out all they had, but not to chernarus... look at that place, nothing of value there actually. They would rather focus on keeping big cities clear of zombies than go fight pointless wars against zombies in an area of no importance.

edit: got ninja'd ^^

Edited by Slitter

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No thanks, I prefer being able to locate the sniper that's firing on me.

This. If you are a sniper, don't be where zombies can reach you easily.

Snipers are already over powered as is.

If a silence sniper was ever introduced to game, it better have the firing power of a Glock 17 and the loading cap of a dual barrel shot gun.

Not to mention a scope with 2x less zoom.

Edited by BobofTibia

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i dont agree with having a sniper rifle, but all i would say hypothetically if it was inevitably going to be implemented is that it would have to be smallest rifle caliber - .22 cal sniper rifle so it only does like 3500-4500 damage to players in the torso...

but even that being said, you can still headshot anyone and that will kill them, so ultimately i think a silenced sniper rifle is pushing the limits...

if anything just add a sniper rifle with the TWS scope because im tired of having to use a DMR with nightvision since i much prefer zeroing over mildot usage

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