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players movement and breathing , dead silent

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What happened:

I was Squatting in room of a building when a player ran down street into the same building i was in, into opposite room. I heard no footsteps or heavy breathing from player as he ran down street or when he ran into building, he was dead silent.

At the Same time, Zs were chasing him down street, i heard them running and crawling down street and screaming outside the house before they entered.

Where you were: In Krasnostav town, red building.

What you were doing: Squatting in room, static, looking outside.

Happened in: 1.5.7.

Server: EU5

Char: 14int

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For me sound is very important. Not sure why it's not worked on as much as other thing's. I'm really not sure if this is lacking in the core game or due to the mod. I've found that the sounds aren't accurate at all though. I've heard shotgun blasts from far away (not sure the exact distance) that seem right next to me. Z's sound as if they're next to me as well even though they're like 20-30ft away. Sometimes Z's sound as if they're making actual human sounds too. Like when I shoot them with shotgun pellets they scream like a human being shot. But it sounds like the sounds are coming from my guy. Like the spread from the pellets are hitting my guys arms or something...Not sure if that's a gun model problem or what. It doesn't seem happen with slugs though as often. /shrug

What your talking about as well - I've had that happen. I didn't hear anything when a guy entered a barn. He wasn't moving slowly either. He was in crouch run. Hopefully there's a way in the core game or the mod itself to tweak this enough to get the sounds to be more accurate.

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