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Lotus (DayZ)

Carry more than one gun?

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Is it possible to carry a second gun in your backpack if you have one equipped? It won't seem to let me.

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I am pretty sure you need a bigger backpack. Like a Czech or Alice

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Weapons that fit into your primary slot (Basically two-handed weapons, like rifles, shotguns, etc) are 10 "slots" worth. In other words, 1 Primary Weapon in your backpack is the same as 10 cans of beans in your backpack.

Weapons that fit into your secondary slot (One handed weapons, like pistols) are 5 "slots" worth. In other words, 1 secondary weapon in your backpack is the same as 5 cans of beans in your backpack.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:56 AM, Deviant said:

Weapons that fit into your primary slot (Basically two-handed weapons, like rifles, shotguns, etc) are 10 "slots" worth. In other words, 1 Primary Weapon in your backpack is the same as 10 cans of beans in your backpack.

Weapons that fit into your secondary slot (One handed weapons, like pistols) are 5 "slots" worth. In other words, 1 secondary weapon in your backpack is the same as 5 cans of beans in your backpack.

^ This.

And Lotus, just make sure you have the amount of slots free on your bag before trying to put the weapon inside it, because if you don't have the amount of space needed, the gun will just disappear and you won't be able to get it back.

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It won't disappear as of the latest patches. It will say "it appears you don't have enough room" or something along those lines.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:01 AM, Deviant said:

It won't disappear as of the latest patches. It will say "it appears you don't have enough room" or something along those lines.

Thank god -_- lost a tent to this a few weeks ago

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:01 AM, Deviant said:

It won't disappear as of the latest patches. It will say "it appears you don't have enough room" or something along those lines.

No, my friend just lost a gun to this about 10 minutes ago. Thanks guys.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:58 AM, Fenrig said:

^ This.

And Lotus, just make sure you have the amount of slots free on your bag before trying to put the weapon inside it, because if you don't have the amount of space needed, the gun will just disappear and you won't be able to get it back.

This, this, a thousand times this.

Oh, it seems to have been fixed.

Thank you.

Edited by louist

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I had a glitch last night where I lost all the ammo for a winchester, 3 clips of slugs.

I had cleared space in the backpack for the gun, 10 slots, but when I moved the gun into the pack all the ammo disappeared.

It didnt drop on the ground or anything, it just disappeared.

I wasnt even in the process of picking up the hunting rifle, that was the reason for wanting the 2nd gun, so annoyed.

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Whether or not you want to carry two primary weapons depends a lot on what your personal goals are in the game.

If you are still hunting for equipment and are avoiding zombies and trying to gather basic necessities like food, water and medical supplies then carrying two primary weapons is prohibitive. You're talking about at least 13 inventory slots of a total possible 36 which is close enough to half to put a big dent in your ability to do anything else useful. You can't raid loot targets if you can't fit anything in your bag.

If you are specifically planning an incursion of some kind - like a tactical strike on a particular location or a night of assault and hunting, then two primary weapons make sense.

In almost all other instances, I don't think it's worth it. You will want the extra slots for food, water, medical supplies, random ammo (especially of the 'SD' variety which you will want to keep due to its rarity and usefulness in silenced weapons) but also for car parts - fuel tanks, jerry cans, engines, etc.

Always take an engine. That's my advice. They're not quite as rare as NVGs but they're sure as hell not easy to come by.

And almost every vehicle you come across will need one.

But you won't be able to take them unless you make room.

Not to ramble.

But my advice is pick a weapon you're comfortable with and get even more comfortable with it. Caress it. Love it. Don't swap around that's like polygamy.

I like the M249. That sound. And the blood. So much blood.

I have at least one orgasm every time I fire it.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:16 AM, Stormcricket said:

I had a glitch last night where I lost all the ammo for a winchester, 3 clips of slugs.

I had cleared space in the backpack for the gun, 10 slots, but when I moved the gun into the pack all the ammo disappeared.

It didnt drop on the ground or anything, it just disappeared.

I wasnt even in the process of picking up the hunting rifle, that was the reason for wanting the 2nd gun, so annoyed.

When you drop a gun it automatically drops the ammo that the gun uses, I suspect that it does the same when you move the gun into the backpack. This means that you need 10 slots of space for the gun + as many slots as required for the ammo before you try to move it into the bag.

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