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I wanna play wherever!

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Hey DayZ community!

I've played back at my house for a couple days and love the game, only I'm on a trip and I am wondering if its okay to download DayZ on this compter.

It has 200GB left,

and I would download it using Steam, Combined Operation + the DayZ mod, how much GB would that be?

Another question, will this PC be able to run it?

Here is my specs

Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium

System Manufacturer: Dell INC

System Model: Dimension E521

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ (2 CPU's), ~2.1GHz

Memory: 3518MB Ram

Page File: 1779MB used, 5493 MB available

DIrectX Version: DirectX11

Sorry, I just put everything to be sure,

So let me know your feed back, cause I wanna know if I can play Dayz during this couple week period.



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200GB is enough and you can look at the bottom of the steam page for arma 2 to see the system requirements.

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