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Snort (DayZ)

The threats in this game no longer exist.

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I wish people would stop acting so fuckin entitled to a game that panders to their express wishes RIGHT NOAAW. Waaah!

Sorry for actually giving feedback on a product that is in development to help improve it's quality in the future.

Learn what entitled means before flinging it about like your mother's phone number at a high school.

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Try accidentally slaying yourself when you're doing really well by quickly changing controls/video options and slipping onto the "Respawn" button instead of "Options."

You now know threats still exist in this game. Enjoy.

Thanks for this...I guess?

You crazy, silly bastard.

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The zeds are currently just buggy. When someone gets killed (or disconnects?) then the zombies that were controlled by that client apparently just start standing still, no-longer able to move. Obviously this should be fixed. I can only imagine its a bug.

Perhaps there has been some point to it, like trying to make the zombies stay on the towns briefly after a DC or such in order to make the other players not to be able to know if there is another player in the town or not, but it went wrong somehow... Or something. Or maybe its just outright some random buggery.

And the temperature... I do remember that earlier I actually had to light up some camp fires and such to stay warm... But for quite some time, I haven't even paid attention to the temp meter at all. As it basically never goes below 42.

But I think the reason for this is that I just don't play on the night servers anymore like I used to. Night servers have nothing but bandits with NVGs running around. If I don't have NVGs, it's just plain stupid to go get killed at one of those servers... The coast near elektro hills is often littered with corpses of new players, who thought they could actually equip their flashlights during the night and live for more than a few minutes doing that. And even when I have the NVGs... Why play on a server where everyone can see each other with the NVGs just fine, everyone just has the green hue to their screen? The same visibility can be achieved on the day time servers, but in full color! :D

So I think the temperature has lost its meaning mostly due to the fact that very few players play at the night time servers (because it would be just plain stupid without NVGs these days, I think it used to be a bit different a few months ago). And it is totally realistic/authentic that the temperature is an issue during night only. Not during daytime, even in rain.

Also, as a solo player, I've never come across the sickness in the game. Basically, the game's 30 minute average lifespan just isn't enough to get sick from anything other than lead poisoning. :D (Even though I can usually get way past that lifetime, unless sniped at coast spawn.) To make the sickness spread, looting a dead body that was sick should have a proper chance of infecting you. Then someone might accidentally get it from someone else. (Usually they won't get close enough to infect you alive, before the lead poisoning gets them.)

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To make the sickness spread, looting a dead body that was sick should have a proper chance of infecting you. Then someone might accidentally get it from someone else. (Usually they won't get close enough to infect you alive, before the lead poisoning gets them.)

Someone make this man a developer on the team for Day Z.

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op you either trolling or you move like a ninja :\

is this some new patch that come out today or what?

i was playing last night and dint even noticed half of the thing u going on about it, plus was watching people streaming and they were all getting agrro, by just running around.

i always get agrro, when i run.

yesterday i shot a zombie in a church ( cherno ) with a lee enfield and zombies just keep on coming that i had to run away

cant say i have noticed the temperature.

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Someone make this man a developer on the team for Day Z.

I'm pretty sure Rocket has already said that all the survivors are immune to the infection, hence why they are survivors. So no, this won't be happening anytime soon.

Edited by Addicted

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I'm pretty sure Rocket has already said that all the survivors are immune to the infection, hence why they are survivors. So no, this won't be happening anytime soon.

I don't think he meant the "rage" infection. I think he mean't the coughing from having your temp drop. Although I might have misinterpreted what he was saying.

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Totally agree with OP.

Yeah I swear to god...when being chased I simply run through a pine tree, turn around and walk back a few paces and they're wandering around chasing butterflies.

I preferred the old zeds. The brutal unforgiving ones that stood a good chance of actually killing you.

Zed detection has been nerfed too much. We don't want psychic zeds....Just ones that see in front a reasonable distance, and can't see behind themselves. Zeds that can hear, and investigate sounds - but don't immediately aggro toward them.

Having said all that, I would take back the old zeds from previous versions over the mind numbingly benign ones we have now.

Edited by ScramUK

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But I think the reason for this is that I just don't play on the night servers anymore like I used to. Night servers have nothing but bandits with NVGs running around. If I don't have NVGs, it's just plain stupid to go get killed at one of those servers... The coast near elektro hills is often littered with corpses of new players, who thought they could actually equip their flashlights during the night and live for more than a few minutes doing that. And even when I have the NVGs... Why play on a server where everyone can see each other with the NVGs just fine, everyone just has the green hue to their screen? The same visibility can be achieved on the day time servers, but in full color! :D

Yeah you make a good point there... I much prefer players using chem lights, flares, torches, and even moonlight to see at night. The darkness looses its charm...it looses its ability to instil fear when people have night vision goggles. I think they should be power hungry devices that take lithium batteries and are MUCH RARER than the stander AA batteries that power flash lights and such. I'd also like to see the inclusion of headlamps in the game, so you can look and shoot in the darkness. They would go in your tool belt, and pressing L turns them on like a torch - where ever you move your head - the light will shine.

In a game called S.T.A.L.K.E.R, although there were night vision goggles in the game... somewhere; I didn't want to use them. Simply due to the fact that I loved the horror, the strange sounds at night - growling, bushes rustling and not having a f**king clue as to what may or may not jump out at me. Truly terrifying game - I loved it :D

EDIT - Going to stick this thread in suggestions

Edited by ScramUK

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the Op is 100% correct when it comes to the Zeds

since the latest patch they have been behaving really really odd...

a few anecdotes

me and 2 buddies were on the NW Airfield - we were crawling around a corner and came face to face with 2 Zeds - one walking towards us about 15m out and 1 walking away from us 20m out - even prone we were going to get seen

I was on "Zed duty" so I brought my 1911 up and popped the Zed walking towards us - prior to this version even a pistol shot would bring some Zeds and would certainly have alerted the 20m out zed but no - he kept on plodding along like we had never fired...

a few minutes later we spawned a group of Zeds at a building 100m to 120m away - we were crouch walking and yet as soon as they spawned they charged straight at us

Some time later with around 7 of us we hit the Camp at SS - I was on "over-watch" with a sniper rifle up on hill - the Zeds spawn as the group get close however some are "frozen"

from my Scope I can see Zeds from the camp to the store and around 50% aren't moving - the Zeds not moving are completely inert - they don't react to noise or visual input

tl dr

Zeds are:

  • Not reacting to Audio input - gunshots/foot steps - at all
  • Over Reacting to Visual Input over distance some of the time
  • Sometimes completely inert

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Zeds are:

  • Not reacting to Audio input - gunshots/foot steps - at all
  • Over Reacting to Visual Input over distance some of the time
  • Sometimes completely inert

I genuinely think if the zombies could hear shit properly, the over-reactions were dubbed down and the brain dead ones were removed... that the zombie ai would be brilliant...except for the constant zig zagging which seems to be slightly better with this latest patch.

Edited by Snort

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The zombies aren't meant to be masters of destruction.

Just capable of destroying civilization.

They're the reason you can't go sprinting around cities.

I can and do, even unarmed. They're trivial to lose, trivial to keep from hitting you and trivial to kill with any weapon.

They're the reason you can't fire your enfield willy nilly out in the open.

No, players are the reason I can't. Zombies aren't even a thought. I stopped caring to look for them. The only time I care about a zombie, whether it sees me or attacks me, is if I'm worried about a nearby player or in an active fight.

There's very few, very rare, circumstances where zombies are a danger themselves. Those are when you break a leg, or fall unconscious with a lot of them on you, or if you get trapped in a building without enough ammo.

So I don't know what game your playing, because in the game I play the only time I have any reason to sneak is because of other players.

Edited by thekab
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Reluctantly, I have to agree with the OP in the matter. Even if the way it's worded is verbose and unecessarily dripping with anger, sarcasm and swears-- fact is at this point zombies are a joke.

You can almost visualize your character as a car while playing Grand Theft Auto and the zombies are just minor obstacles that you need to gently swerve around like you're taking a morning cruise-- while having a drive-by against the person racing you. Sure, you can lose your way, be run off the road and eventually cornered if you're unfortunate, but as soon as you learn your environment, everything changes. Stick on cruise control and steer your way to sweet victory.

The biggest issue I'd say is the delay it can take between a zombie catching up to you and actually striking you, the number of times I've seen these kenyan athletes reach a survivor only to take a four second moment to pause and focus their chi so they may strike is innumeral. With a no delay lag between catch and hit, I think it would help with the "problem" of survival.

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Love the game and total respect to the developers - but OP is right. Zombies mean jack squat now. I have always maintained that the best policy in this game from the start is to simply sprint until you find a room.

Zombies are out runnable and bandits cant get an accurate shot on you. Once you find a hatchet, zombies are pretty much a glitchy distraction. At first I loved sneaking around avoiding trouble, but because the game

world is so big and zombies are so broken, I generally just strut around hoping for any kind of encounter.

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At first I loved sneaking around avoiding trouble, but because the game

world is so big and zombies are so broken, I generally just strut around hoping for any kind of encounter.

Pretty much this.

I've actually gotten worse because I'm just not staying on my toes like I usually had to. Now I just sprint till I find a weapon, and I don't think that's what the game was supposed to be about.

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Don't you die on me!

I'd really like some feedback from more people, what do you think of the zombies?

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