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Battle (DayZ)

Stuck in Doorway, could not engage Walker

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Date/Time: 5/20/2012 : 4:30ish AM EST

What happened: Got stuck in a door, somehow aggro'd one Walker from 30ft away in pitch black darkness, while carefully maintaining absolute silence by having toggled "Walk" on. Being stuck in the door prevented me from turning to engage the Walker. I know you usually can't turn in door ways but this particular doorway has some trash or some such in it which makes it quite difficult to squeeze through. And I have done so many times before, this time I got completely stuck and when the Walker ran in behind me I couldn't back out of the door, couldn't go forward, couldn't turn...

Where you were: NW Control Tower, NW Air Field, West of Grishino

What you were doing: Attempting to squeeze through the door

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: BRA2 / BRA3, can't remember.

*Your system specs: Core i7, GTX 280m, 4gigs ram

*Timeline of events before/after error: approximately 4:20-4:30am EST

Just curious if anything can be done about my gear, I had QUITE a bit of stuff.... M24, M4 w/ CCO, food, water, smoke, G17, GPS, Compass, Map, Knife, Matches, Watch, E-tool, etc... Took me about 4 days to compile that gear... Sucks to lose it to having gotten completely stuck.

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