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PT Daryl and PT GodOfMess DC'ers

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I would like to report the players mentioned in the title for dc'ing in pvp and to avoid zombies.

The server was:

US 746 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 93825) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by Rustykoolaid

It was between 12:00 AM - 2:00 AM server time, July 17th

Players PT Daryl and PT GodOfMess had been in the server over the course of two days, at this point they cornered my friend and I within the northern barracks at NWAF, they attempted an entry (in pitch black condition) my friend opened fire at their shadows and I popped the light on my M4A3 CCO on and killed PT Daryl before he could DC, within 5 minutes PT GodOfMess killed me with one shot. My friend spotted him crawling, fired 3 rounds from an M16 into his back, and he promptly DC'ed. I told my friend to watch out for him to come back, and sure enough, almost 40 minutes later I told my friend that I was getting close to the NWAF and looked at my map, saw that PT GodOfMess was reconnecting, shouted to my friend that he was back in, and then I heard shots as my friend fired ~7 rounds into and at him from his M4A3 CCO (taken from my body). At this point PT GodOfMess DC'ed again before bleeding out. (He was also in an entirely different area so he had recovered and moved on another server) It's clear that he was intentionally disconnecting to avoid death, witnessed with my own eyes as I guessed his intentions and checked the player list often.

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Im OPs friend and shooter, I can verify that i hit [PT] God of Mess 4 times the first time he disconnected with an M16A3 ACOG and atleast 3 times the second time with an M4A3 CCO before he could dc. [PT] Daryl also follwed him to the other server (i presume to give him a transfusion).

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