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to Krasnostav!

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I've logged in over 100 hours of Dayz now, all lone-wolf style. I'm on my longest survivor now. Here's a pro tip for anyone new who's found a map: Go to Krasnostav. There's an airstrip and a supermarket, but the loot tends to not be as phat as StarySobor/NW airfield, therefore the people leave krasnostav a relatively safe place to go. I've been hanging around the city for awhile, and havent met serious opposition. On the other hand, I made the mistake of going to NW airfield with my second-longest survivor, and after scouting out the place for ten minutes with binoculars, i cautiously went in only to be sniped from what I can only suppose was a military-grade rifle. People flock to NW airfield. It is not safe. Cherno and Elektro arent either, there are tons of people there who run around for PvP even if they only have a makarov. In Krasnostav, I find life is relatively peaceful, and the people who go there have a tendency to be like me: non-confrontational and sort of avoiding others when they detect a presence.

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NO! GO AWAY, MINE...MINE OWN.....great now everyone will know my little secret...why would you do such a mean thing?

Edited by t3hnoob

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lol its okay, we're all peaceful krasnostavians!

ya...but your attracting "them"...

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Overwatch of Krasnostav set.

you see? you see what you did? WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?

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there are thousands of servers, he cant watch em all

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No, but you just know I will be watching the one you chose to play. Bandits are like that.

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there are thousands of servers, he cant watch em all

but there is also thousands of bandits....

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I am near Stary Sobor, currently living on the wild, but got some really ugly player encounter today there, so i guess I will see you guys around Krasnostav :P

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well it seems my stalker has failed, I just raided krasnostav airstrip and found 2 dead guys, one of them was holding a holy mountain dew, which I promptly stuck in my backpack for good luck (not that it did him any good) then ran to olsha to disconnect and come here tell you about my wonderful life in krasnostav. See you there tomorrow!

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Krastnostav sucks, and Berezino is way too huge and too time consuming to be useful for new players. Berezino has three major parts all loaded with an amazing amount of zombies, any new player that goes there is going to end up bleeding more than a few times. This is a bad post for new players. They don't need to be getting lost trying to find things that aren't worth the trip or the time.

There is literally nothing there, and a boring airstrip that rarely spawns any good loot. If you are planning on sitting around at the airstrip there, you might as well not play. I've been in that area a few times, and it's not worth any amount of hype. Not to mention almost any direction you head to the airfield is wide open spaces. Flat, visible from all angles, and the single experienced player that could be there in the air tower is going to shoot a new player dead instantly. You'd be better off running coastal towns and just respawning than spending all your time to go sit around the same loot spawns just farther north.

There's a reason no one goes to that area.

Edited by LordRayken

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therefore, its safe

What do you have on you that you want to keep safe by running the same boring empty airport and grocery store every day?

That's not much of a game.

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well... when you've finally found everything, including the holy mountain dew, nv goggles... it would suck to run into NW airfield to get sniped. But to each his own, I guess some people enjoy more PvPing around. Myself, i've never been any good at shooters, I'll always lose mano-mano. I play survival horror games, so surviving is what I enjoy in this game

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well... when you've finally found everything, including the holy mountain dew, nv goggles... it would suck to run into NW airfield to get sniped. But to each his own, I guess some people enjoy more PvPing around. Myself, i've never been any good at shooters, I'll always lose mano-mano. I play survival horror games, so surviving is what I enjoy in this game

if avoiding people is your goal, just grab a hatchet/knife/matches/water bottle asap and then go hide by a pond out in the middle of nowhere. once you get those 4 items you will never have to set foot in a city again

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also, krasno isnt that good. it's a high traffic city because of the airfield, only it has far fewer lootable buildings than all the other big cities and no hospital. every time i go there during the day i end up getting into a shootout.

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If you wasn't killed in Krasnostav airfield than you must be playing on empty server . . . There are always 1-2 big groups of advanced survivors who traveling between NW airfield and Krasnostav airfield. There is always sniper camping with Barret near the Krasno airfield on that big mountain where they can easily control all airstrip.

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Nothing to see here, move along. Krasnostav is nice and unknown for the bigger populace, lets keep it that way. MOVE. ALONG.

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