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Proficiencies, Character Development, ETC.

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In my opinion, what DayZ lacks is some sort of character development. Yeah sure, you can get the best gear or all of the gear in the game and that could qualify as character developing but that is quite boring.

It is also fairly odd that once we take control of this random person that has awoken on the beach, they instantly know how to handle WWII weaponry (Or any weaponry in the game), gut animals, gather wood, drive various vehicles, and fix various vehicle parts successfully.

I certainly don't know if the ARMA 2 Engine could handle this type of mechanic, but proficiencies would give more replayability to the already lacking replayability state of DayZ.

For example:

The more you cook meat, the more you're proficient at it which reduces your chance of making burnt meat.

The more you fire and hit a target, the more your gun proficiency increases, thus less sway when aiming.

The more you repair vehicles, the more health you restore to the part in which you are repairing. (As far as I've seen, once you repair a part, it turns fully green.)

A person more proficient at something another player is not at could encourage teamwork and such also.


Edited by jayarr916

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In my opinion, what DayZ lacks is some sort of character development. Yeah sure, you can get the best gear or all of the gear in the game and that could qualify as character developing but that is quite boring.

It is also fairly odd that once we take control of this random person that has awoken on the beach, they instantly know how to handle WWII weaponry (Or any weaponry in the game), gut animals, gather wood, drive various vehicles, and fix various vehicle parts successfully.

I certainly don't know if the ARMA 2 Engine could handle this type of mechanic, but proficiencies would give more replayability to the already lacking replayability state of DayZ.

For example:

The more you cook meat, the more you're proficient at it which reduces your chance of making burnt meat.

The more you fire and hit a target, the more your gun proficiency increases, thus less sway when aiming.

The more you repair vehicles, the more health you restore to the part in which you are repairing. (As far as I've seen, once you repair a part, it turns fully green.)

A person more proficient at something another player is not at could encourage teamwork and such also.





"Anything you can do in real life, you should be able to do this in game." - Rocket, Day Z Lead Developer.

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