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Zombie Infection for players

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So we all know that when you get bitten by a zombie you are screwed and you will eventually turn into one. It would be cool to implement this system in the game.

If you are bitten, you are infected. So this is not necessarily all zombie attacks as they also claw at you etc, so there's a percentage chance of being infected with each time you are wounded by a zombie. You could make it fairly small so it doesn't happen all the time.

If infected, you would very slowly morph into the zombie skin that you can choose in the player profiles and your character starts behaving odd. Randomly firing your weapon, randomly sprinting and eventually turning on your fellow survivors and turning into a full blown zombie. You need to find and use a needle with the cure in a hospital to return to normal before it's too late.

It might be an interesting dynamic with groups as they would be watching for signs you are infected in case you make noise when there is a horde of zombies nearby or turn on them and bite them. You could have a 100% chance of infection for bites from zombie players maybe to increase the tension.

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