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HELP! Random lag spikes

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Hello I really need help about the lag spikes I have been randomly getting. I regularly run with 40 fps but randomly it can go from 1-5 minutes of doing thing a random lag spike and well drop my fps to around 1-8. That lag last for around I think 7 seconds before it disappears and launches me back up to 40. If someone can PLEASE tell me whats going on or if anyone is having the same problem! Thank you. :)

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I have the same problem, but i think it can be because of the connection, because a lot of times i see a yellow icon on the screen(bad conection) but im at 40 ping

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I had a similar problem. There are many potential fixes cycling around on the forums.

I have an i7-2720QM processor for my mobile pc and it seems to have issues running DayZ mod but not ARMA II itself. I tried about 1000 different optimization tricks. Disabled core parking, took off intel boosting options, changed launch options, etc...

The exact problem I had could be described like this: I can run Day Z mod on the absolute lowest settings or the absolute highest settings and get the same problem either way. It was actually easier to play with much higher graphics settings rather than low settings. The problem was that the game would run great for about a minute or two, and then every 3 seconds or so (sometimes more frequently) the FPS would drop significantly to unplayable levels. I have now discovered that it was probably the GPU or CPU getting too hot and the intel smart boost was backing my CPU off (800 Mhz instead of the normal 2.2Ghz to boosted 3.3Ghz) to more rapidly cool the computer off.

I downloaded a program called ThrottleStop by TechPowerUp.

WARNING: Before you use this program read up on how it works. DO NOT just install it and start clicking all of the fancy buttons because it will probably cause your CPU/GPU to heat up extensively if you do not know what you are doing. Luckily most computers shut off before anything bad can happen to your hardware...but be careful and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Here is the link to a very helpful ThrottleStop guide:


Here is the download link that I used:


You can use this program to manage the CPU speed and GPU/CPU temps to make the game run more smoothly. Also if you are running a laptop try propping the back of your unit up on a hardback textbook (or get a good cooling pad) because this significantly reduced the heat of my computers components.

Once again, be careful with this program.

Also, it might be nice if someone with authority could make a post about this program (potentially pin it) and the success that it can give users that are experiencing the graphical stutter issues. I can play great using this utility properly.

Signed: Dat Cheez

Edited by Cheezy

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Cheezy thank you for telling me about this program I have read all the guides and it has seriously helped me with the lag.

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I dont understand it, why am i getting freezes every 10 min? Normal fps are 30-40 but when it freezes it goes down to 10-15. But ive seen videos in internet and it only happens to me... Or a few persons.

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ThrottleStop 5.00


The latest version supports the new Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs.

It is shocking how many poorly engineered laptops are sold every day that randomly throttle on a regular basis when gaming. The ThrottleStop Log File option will let you see what is causing the slow downs. If you see the multiplier in the log file suddenly drop to the lowest value, that's a good sign of throttling. Also keep an eye on the 2 different clock modulation columns in the log. Clock modulation should always show 100.0%. Anything less is a sign of throttling.

Throttling is a common problem among all major manufacturers. You have to do your own stress testing because of the dishonesty in the market. Send the author of ThrottleStop (ME) an email if you need some help understanding the data in the log file.

Edited by unclewebb

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