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Magnet (DayZ)

[VIDEO GUIDE] Installation & Tutorial (+BETA)

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UPDATED : 27/05/12

Hi guys,

I'm in the midst of creating a video series aimed at introducing our newest players to ArmA2 and DayZ. It's my first attempt at making narrated videos so I've kinda winged it but hopefully I'm covering the right points in order to ease newer players in.

The videos cover a range of topics such as the current installation, re-spawn mechanic, gameplay aspects, interfaces and controls, navigation plus a whole bunch of general advice and tips.

Make sure you right click the video and select "Watch on YouTube" to view in high quality.

Comments and critique are welcome as I intend on developing further "Survival" videos as new features are implemented and I get better and narrating.

Any requests for specific videos can be directed to me here or by e-mail to magnet@nobodycares.com.au

Please Enjoy;


Current Installation:

Old Installation:

Note: Installation method still works, it's just not as current.



- Combining ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead on Steam.

- Downloading and organising DayZ mod files

- Downloading and setting up Spirited Machine's ArmA 2 Launcher

- Launching DayZ

ALSO SEE - PsiSyndicate's Installation Video if you're having issues!


Part One:


- Logging on to a Server

- Re-spawning after Death

- Interface and Gameplay Familiarisation (Includes weapon selection, flares, equipment etc.)

Part Two:


- Nighttime Navigation

- Ladders

- Stances

- Entering/Scavenging Towns

Part Three:


- First Zombie! (Unfortunately bugged)

- Navigating to and searching Ruins/Bases.

- Meeting Zombies that work!

Part Four:


- The Map

- Choosing what to take

- Alternate weapons


- Tents

- Packs/Stealing etc.

- Meeting and interacting with other players (Channels, survivor etiquette etc.)


Slow Play Series


Hi guys!

After being asked to try my hand at narrated plays I've thrown my hat in the ring with a narrated slow play. I haven't deviated much from my regular playing style but instead have tried to find a balance between pace and tactics. These videos are not for seekers of action videos as they are aimed at representing the core DayZ experience, surviving.

OH! Before anyone digs in... I KNOW IT'S ELEKTRO, LEAVE ME ALONE.

Now Enjoy...

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

The North West Airfield

Part One:


Part Two:



Recovered/Incomplete Cinematic Trailer:



Newbie Survival Guide

DayZ Courtesy and Vocabulary

Survivor Code of Conduct

DayZ: The Do's and Dont's

DayZ Loot Table - By Ghost Bear



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  'Phate said:
I installed both ARMA 2 and OA and' date=' following the instructions of Magnet, started by running ARMA 2. This worked fine; I got to the main menu and called it 'done', exiting the program.

I then attempted to launch ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead, and this is where things went pear-shaped. During the startup, I received two errors, in this order:

[b']1: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'

(Hit 'okay', and the startup continues... finally running into this...)

2: Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0.

SOLUTION : Restart Steam

  'Paladin1128 said:
Thanks for the video' date=' when I get to the multi player screen and try to join a server it says that my [b']required content has been deleted.chenarus..... Any ideas?

SOLUTION : Go to the "Launch Options" tab of Spirited Machine's ArmA II Launcher and select Chernarus as the Default world. This will force load it into the game.

  'Mukea said:
I don't know about the OP' date=' but I bought the game, and the first servers I tried to join were DayZ ones, but I get the same [b']"Connecting Failed" problem no matter what server I try to join, even when the mod isn't installed. Undecided Is there a general fix for this? (I don't mean to hijack the topic but may be helpful to OP too)

SOLUTION : Update ArmA from the developers website. Some distributors (notably GamersGate) don't provide the most up to date files on install. As such this is likely to also occur with retail discs etc.

  'Phate said:
I have an absolutely correct ARMA:OA directory... Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > arma 2 operation arrowhead > @dayz > Addons ...With Addons containing the extracted files of all those compressed files downloaded from the DayZ website. However' date=' [b']when I launch SM's ArmA Launcher, the window which is meant to contain my mods/addons is empty, with just "Addons/Mods --> Group 1" in the right-hand-side window.

SOLUTION : Click the refresh button at the top of the launcher.


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UPDATE 29/04/12 AM:

* Minor title change to make thread stand out more to new players.

* Episodes 3 and 4 now available.

* Contents list for each video added to first post.

* Useful reading index added to first post.


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UPDATE 29/04/12 PM:

* Installation Video now available in first post.

* Minor adjustments to content of first post to reflect the continuation of the series past the original four videos.

* THREAD IS NOW UNLOCKED - Post your comments, critiques and requests here.

* E-mail "magnet@nobodycares.com.au" now works (was previously disabled leading people to think I was being sarcastic).

UPDATE 30/04/12 PM:

* Posts jigged around a bit.

* Troubleshooting section added for issues.


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Hi, Mag. (Yes, me again!)

I'm having some trouble with Spirited Machine's ArmA launcher. I have an absolutely correct ARMA:OA directory...

Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > arma 2 operation arrowhead > @dayz > Addons

...With Addons containing the extracted files of all those compressed files downloaded from the DayZ website. However, when I launch SM's ArmA Launcher, the window which is meant to contain my mods/addons is empty, with just "Addons/Mods --> Group 1" in the right-hand-side window.

Have you any suggestions for this? Your help is very much appreciated.

Edit: A complete re-installation (of the launcher) does not fix this. The two .exe path fields in the Launch Options tab have been selected properly.

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Hi Phate,

Try hitting refresh at the top of the program. If that doesn't work...

Does it show up in the left hand window of the launcher?

If not try going to the Addon Options Tab and pointing the program to the mod directory with the Additional Addon Search Directories box, again refresh.

Let me know how you go.


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Watched through the whole set. I learned something this morning, hooray.

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As per usual, the simplest of things had been overlooked - the Refresh command fixed my problem. I'm finally up to the ''Wait for character to create' stage' so I'm confident my problems are finally out of the way and I'll be able to join the frenzy. Thank you very much for your help and patience, Mag!

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  'Freyar said:

Watched through the whole set. I learned something this morning' date=' hooray.


Which bit did you learn? :p

  'Phate said:

As per usual' date=' the simplest of things had been overlooked - the Refresh command fixed my problem. I'm finally up to the ''Wait for character to create' stage' so I'm confident my problems are finally out of the way and I'll be able to join the frenzy. Thank you very much for your help and patience, Mag!


No worries dude, glad it's fixed. Good luck in-game!


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UPDATE 03/05/12 PM

Part One of my first narrated play through is up!

Taking a break from the tutorials I'm attempting to demonstrate general play of the DayZ Mod. That means it's no gigantic action fest or running back and forth, it's me trying to survive... sort of.

Parts two through to five will be up tomorrow so be sure to come back and have a look.

Next I will probably aim at getting an 'actionish' video up, or perhaps a trailer if the fan made trailer contest comes out... Hmm!

As always, comments, critiques and suggestions are always welcome!

Happy Slaying!


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- How to get vehicles up and running (what the drive-able vehicles look like, what they need, what those parts look like)

- How to cook meat (what the animals look like, the tools you need)

- What certain landmark buildings look like (hospitals, general stores)

Those are things I would have liked to know first starting out or just something handy to have somewhere.

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...Those are things I would have liked to know first starting out or just something handy to have somewhere.

Nice ideas, I'll put them on the to do list!


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UPDATE 04/05/12 PM

* Ghost Bear's Loot Table added to Useful Reading section.

The Loot Table is a fantastic resource to identify buildings and what loot they are likely to posses. It also helps to identify what items different classes of Zombie are likely to drop. A definite must read.


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Loving your work so far, even tho i know what im doing now in the mod i still check our your videos, they are well made and really would help out the newer players, keep up the good work, i hope to see you in a game some time so we can group up

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can any one help me iv followed 3 different install vids had friends help reinstalled got the launcher gone over it step by step googled the shit outta my problema nd cant find anything that tells me what to do about this on startup i get addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts' itl let me get into game but not join games


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can any one help me iv followed 3 different install vids had friends help reinstalled got the launcher gone over it step by step googled the shit outta my problema nd cant find anything that tells me what to do about this on startup i get addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts' itl let me get into game but not join games


How you fixed the problem man? Can you tell me?

I already see what's missing.... i juts have OA....

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UPDATE 08/05/12 AM

* Part One and Two of my new non-narrated gameplay adventure to the North West Airfield is up. Watch a clan mate and I battle hordes of seemingly never ending zombies, other players and find a helicopter!


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Hey, I'm having an issue right now.

Okey I followed Psi's installation.

First I installed both games and ran them once.

I then went on this modpage and and got all the files.

I went to my steam folder and arma 2 arrowhead and made a folder called @Dayz and then inside there /addons and extracted and deleted rar.

I then did the launch option and -mod=@dayz -nosplash.

I run as combined operations. In my right corner it says @dayz and Arma 2 so I should be fine. I can see the servers with dayz and when I get space I join in. I choose a spot and click ok and it sends me to a loading screen with "recieving data" it then takes a little while and in the end I just get chucked right back at the server list. No errors, nothing.

My version should be compatible with the servers. I got no red X's on the left side. Anyone know?

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There is an easy way to launch DayZ using the separate steam games list entry:


1. Add Arma2OA as third party game:


2. In properties find "location" field and write after the actual path string the following:

"-mod=%ARMA2_FOLDER%;EXPANSION;ca" -mod=@dayz -nosplash

Here %ARMA2_FOLDER% is Arma 2 original folder.

In my case the full location field looks like:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca" -mod=@dayz -nosplash



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Hey Mag can you help me? I've installed everything correctly ( Did not use a launcher like you ) but when I join a server it will get to the receiving data screen and stay there for 2-5 minutes and kick me back out to the server list. Any ideas?

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Three ideas,

1) Try running the game as an administrator.

2) Try reinstalling battle-eye.

3) If using the command line approach, try moving -nosplash to the opposite end of where it is now. I heard someone fixed their launch issues by doing this.

Bonus Idea) Use a launcher :p


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UPDATE 25/05/12 PM

- Incomplete Cinematic Trailer Uploaded (See youtube description for information re: status of video).


- Updated Installation Guide

- Updated Survival Series

- Better playthroughs!


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UPDATE 27/05/12

Brand new installation video covering:


- Steam specific instructions.

- Accessing and Acquiring all required files.

- Installation and use of Spirited Machine's ArmA Launcher (Mod Manager).

- Beta Installation.

- Troubleshooting for 90% of problems (i.e. battle-eye).


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