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A Metal Viking

Need Dayz Partner/Partners

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Prefer the more serious type I guess, and a MIC is a Must.

I'm 18, so anyone 18+ ( or mature people just under ) older would be awesome.

I would say I'm good at Dayz, when I've died I can get back most of my stuff

( average Alice pack, assault rifle, pistol, medical stuffs and food ect...) pretty quick, few hours.

So ya I know my way around and alot of hot spots.

I dont mind being a survivor or bandit, I am mainly just a plain nice guy to people.. well try to.. after they shoot me in the face.

Soo... I've come not to really trust anyone :(

Im from the UK but 'most' other places are fiine. UK, Germany, America and all that, as long as you can speak English

Baught the game from Steam.

Skype would be good, or any others you know.

If you could send me a message on this website plx


Edited by A Metal Viking

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Is 16 years old Finnish guy ok? I am new player and I think I don't want to start alone. I have a mic. And you can trust to me because I really need someone to pay with me. (It takes a while to ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead download because of slow download speed and I just bought it)

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Hello I would love to play with you in game I am 19 years old (almost 20) I am defiantly a serious player but still actually enjoys the game! If your interested add me on Skype my username is EniXFuZioN

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UK player with mic, skype and TS2. Been playing Dayz for a while know and can find my way around and dont have a problem getting kitted out ( although not keen on going to NW airport alone ) and happy to be a survivor or a bandit, although if a bandit would like to either rob people or mix it up and not just shoot unarmed players from 500m.

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Hi, I am interested in teaming up. from the uk. Got a headset and teamspeak but would have to download skype. been playing the game on and off for a month and im 20. i play the game pretty straight but up for anything, dont sever hop and dont disconnect. thats it, cheers.

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I'll play with you 21 year old American. I'm pretty fast with loot. Can get a rifle, med supplies, food, water, and small firearms usually within 20-30mins of spawning depending on where i'm at. Got skype got steam. Recently people seem to have even bigger trust issues than before, so finding someone to run with will be nice. PM me if you interested.

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