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Moving/Removing island spawns

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I was thinking it might be a good idea to move or remove the 2 or three spawns that are surrounded by water as you still lose all your items when swimming. Don't know how hard this would be to do though.

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I think there's only one island spawn at otmel? I have never spawned there myself, but if somebody thinks it's a problem then why not delete it.

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Just respawn. Also, I THINK you can wade to land.

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You can wade into land, and you don't swim.

Also, we don't need your thesis about how difficult something may or may not be when suggesting something to put into the game.

Edited by Deviant

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there are boats in this game

Good luck finding a boat that's fully repaired and fueld that's on the same .5 square kilometer island.

Edited by thorgold

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Also, we don't need your thesis about how difficult something may or may not be when suggesting something to put into the game.

And we don't need your commentary.

As for the wading, it ends up having you swim by default, and it happens to people all the time, and as I said, I don't know how hard it would be to change spawns so it's just a suggestion

there are boats in this game

You have to find the boats, they don't spawn near the spawn locations generally, and you need to repair and add gas to them, so you would end up needing to get in the water.

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