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Stuck on loading

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I start up the game, join a server, click ok, and it takes me to this black loading screen, but it stays there. Am I doing something wrong?

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same since today, have tried all steps people have said and have now fully reinstalled from scratch. same issue on multiple servers

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Would be nice if we can get some help on the subject.. i've searched around and I've seen nothing that is helping me..

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This is happening to me too on my alternate account. My main one can connect to servers and load in, but my secondary account just gets stuck at a black screen with "loading" on it.

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i have tried everything to get dayz working...... accept what tetharis just posted my main account has my real first name but i changed to another account under djwaves and ive been trying to play dayz with that i hope thats not the issue because i have been pulling my hair out for 2 dayz and reinstalled arma 2 and arrowhead twice lmao !

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