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[1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

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Check out my solution Up guys. IT WORKS!!!

And to answer the few questions:

-yes it works if you relog into another server, 6 of my friends tried my trick IT WORKED

-No you don't have to re-set all your config just delete your profile folder in my documents ONCE,

Reposting here since they don't accepted my topic as a solution...


1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't)

2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod

(ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles )

Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder.

3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!!

TADAAAAA I'm at my 20th & X test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! // +10 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D

Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:

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Logged in about five minutes later on a separate server and had all my gear back and spawned where I had logged out previously.

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I was at the NW airfeld. 1500 humanity. After a few hours I go on a server and i'm in elektro, with the same gear but -1103 humanity. Didn't kill a single person. Also my debug monitor resets every time. It saves my kills cause i can see the m when i leave the server but every time i go and play the debug monitor says: 0 kills. I was at the NW airfield twice and got teleported back to elektro. Damn that cursing mountain dew.

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OK guyZ seems the solution working is:

1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't)

2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod

(ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles )

Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder.

3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!!

TADAAAAA I'm at my 15th test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! 2 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D

Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:

Doesn't work for me. When I update to version all of the servers tell me that I am missing files. I get the message from both servers labelled as and those labelled

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Only occurs to me when I alt+f4 game when I am on loading screen..., it will threw me back on coast, solution ? Dont know, it's a script bug or whatever ...

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It happen to me 4 time now !

Im getting very tired of running all the way up north ! WTF ?

Any chance that DayZ staff give an answer about this ?

It's a bug or what ?

Edited by Tabarnator

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Doesn't work for me. When I update to version all of the servers tell me that I am missing files. I get the message from both servers labelled as and those labelled

Have play withsix... i got it and it's working well now!!! But still spawning at the coast!

Edited by Tabarnator

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Only occurs to me when I alt+f4 game when I am on loading screen..., it will threw me back on coast, solution ? Dont know, it's a script bug or whatever ...

same here, on most of the servers i try to connect i get stuck at the loading screen so i have to alt+f4 ---> back to the beach.

it's unplayable at the moment QQ

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Me and my friends keep getting this, spawn on coast fully geared.... It really takes the point out of DayZ until it is fixed.

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Check out my solution Up guys. IT WORKS!!!

And to answer the few questions:

-yes it works if you relog into another server, 6 of my friends tried my trick IT WORKED

-No you don't have to re-set all your config just delete your profile folder in my documents ONCE,

Reposting here since they don't accepted my topic as a solution...


1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't)

2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod

(ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles )

Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder.

3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!!

TADAAAAA I'm at my 20th & X test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! // +10 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D

Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:

Can you use six launcher and dayz commander after following your steps to join to servers?

Is this a once off process or something you have to do every time?

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Ah, looks like a lot of servers are listing themselves as but aren't actually up to date. You need to check each server and avoid the ones that have a little x beside the name when you click on them.

Edited by Risen

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Yep same here. me and my friend just spent 3 hours getting to the nw airfield barracks safely and i started getting artifacts

so after flushing 20 times we decided to join a different server but we were having some weird stuck on loading screen issues for 10 different servers so after restarting Dayz 10 times we finnaly found a server and WHAT DO YOU KNOW...Were both at the fucking beach lol


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Reddit post saying you need to go into your Arma2 profile/other profile folders in my documents and delete the game save folder that stores your single player progress. I tested this and confirm it works. Why does it work? Who know. o.O

Wonderful .. so the 'fix' for this issue is to delete my single player ARMA progress ... oh wonderful, congratulations - what a wonderful fix!

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at first i tought deleting the game save folder would work, but after some server changes i still got stuck at loading screen and then back to the beach (and yes, i'm constantly deleting the game save folder)

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OK guyZ seems the solution working is:

1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't)

2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod

(ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles )

Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder.

3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!!

TADAAAAA I'm at my 15th test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! 2 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D

Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:

I cant seem to locate this on my end ... running windows xp any suggestions ?

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