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Last few beta patches broke ArmA2 Missions

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Ever since the last few beta patches I can't launch missions (armoury, SP, MP missions) because my view is frozen in place the map is black and the mission script doesn't load I guess.

I assumed it would be fixed in the updates but it wasn't and I don't understand why it does this. Other people have complained about the issue as well.

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Hiya m8, its not the beta patch that broke your arma2, its the updated dayz files!!!

Try it, replace the dayz addon files with a prevoius version from about a week and a half ago.

I had the same problem, havent had a play in dayz for about 2 weeks as ive been busy, anyhow I updated the arma2 beta patch to the latest and ran the benchmark as I always do and everything was fine, I downloaded the 1723 latest dayz mod files, copied them into the addon directory and ran the benchmark and it just stuck there doing nothing, tried to go into a dayz server and got the loading wait screen lol.

Anyhow I replaced the dayz addon files with the previous version and arma2 was back to normal, but cant log into servers as wrong version dayz files.

So what!! I'll wait till they fix it, cant be arsed breaking my arma2 for this :)

Hope it helps..

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