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Random BSOD playing DayZ with 7970M

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Hello after getting my new laptop I have been getting spontaneous BSOD on different occasions (Sometimes it happens after a few hours and at times it happens within 5 minutes of logging in.)

My questions is whether people have been getting similar issues with the AMD 7970m GPU The card itself is quite powerful and handles most games on Ultra at 50-60 FPS ( I tested BF3 and Skyrim.) I have tested the temperatures using MSI afterburner and the card was at 72 C max which is very acceptable temperatures for this card.

If anyone has the same card and experiences the same issues/ has a possible fix please let me know. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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It could be your CPU that is overheating. Download Open hardware monitor or whichever temp program you want and see what you're getting. Specify which CPU you have and the temps, they shouldn't go over 90C.

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The problem is I don't have this issue with any other game including some I believe are more graphically and CPU intensive (for example Skyrim on ultra with mods.) But thanks for the advice I will try it out.

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I just got my first BSOD in months while loading up DAYZ before. Could it be this too? I'm downloading OHM now to see if that's any problem.

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I just tested my CPU and GPU with RealTemp GT and MSI Afterburner respectively. My CPU did not exceed 72 C and my GPU was hovering around 68 C. I am starting to think the problem is with the buggy enduro program introduced with this card that I cannot unfortunately get rid of until further drivers are released.

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