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Kiro (DayZ)

Teleported and killed : hacker or admin?

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3 of my team mates were playing on a server, they were driving a car when suddenly they were teleported somewhere. They got out of the car, someone was crouched right behind them a shot them.

My question is : could it be an admin? Could it be a cheater? Can cheaters teleport people?


Edited by Kiro

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HAcker, though the two are not mutually exclusive.

From what I understand, Admins do not have such powers.

It certainly doesn't mean that they haven't hacked them in, though, just like any other player could.

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I'm going with coincidence and bad luck (for them - good luck for the person who had the car fall into his lap, not to mention the tasty loot your bros. probably had)

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From what I understand, Admins do not have such powers.

That's what the devs tell us, but when weird stuff like this happens to me, the few times it has, I still get suspicious.

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