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Be a pillar of your community and join DayZMonsterSquad

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Welcome, I am your host, one of many, and I present to you the Monster Squad of DayZ.

USA group mostly, Eastcoast users may become more prodominent. Few others play Gmod, Minecraft, ( of which we have servers for, ( small slots, but if shown to be wanted will get more )) Other games users play include, EVE, BF3 ( PC n PS3 ), WormsReloaded, TF2, and the random other here and there.

Requirements: -Ages are above 18, but if you aren't whiney, are able to google for most general questions, and can prove to be a team player, no complaints here.

-Microphone, or means to at least hear and text back.

Focus: To gather a useful group of users to enjoy DayZ in a team fashion and possibly other games.

Filler for group info :

Few jerry cans short of a working batmobile, and always rounds short of ammo. But there we are crouching like a scared kid hiding from that shadow that formed over their bed on a dark and stormy night, around 2am, Friday, the 14th to be precise. Yes, where we're we again? Oh yes this group of people who play DayZ together and work together as to not pee our pants from fear. Or to be rambo gunnin, ammo wasting, food hording, gun slingers of DayZ. Either or works Im sure.

Without further confusion, welcome.

http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Dayz_Monster_Squad<- click here join LIKE A BOSS


Don't post your steam stuff here, I'm not adding anything, you are. Once added if we become tight drinkin buds, of whom you kindly allow me to borrow your car and return it 3 weeks later in bad shape, and many stains, but cash on the driver's seat with a letter stating " Sorry for the mess! ", no questions will be asked, then and only then maybe I may add you. Otherwise, we have the group.


Edited by Deacyde
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Thank you kind sir, We are up to 9 members, and growing, have a few choice servers already.

On mumbles, or skype, either or it's a riot.

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Just clicked join and added my info. Take some beans.

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