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Gameplay comments and suggestions

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So really love the idea of the game and the mod. Though I really think the game is a tad too tough. For example the game is very unforgiving in a lot of ways. I know the game is going for the realistic setting and it's great for it. Though does anyone else think that perhaps it would be nice to get a better idea of what the game has to offer? I had no idea you could use cars, or fix machine parts, etc.

Though also I want to say that I think that the game starts you off with too little of weapons and ammo. Which again is fine but I find that there is little reward for getting farther away. Maybe in the future add some missions like getting to a certain posts because there is a cache of weapons, etc. Nothing like a story but just little inspirations on where and why to go to these locations in the game.

It would be great to have an easy way to get into a game with your friends. Your going for the desolate idea of meeting up with strangers, are they good? Are they bad? but still trying to find your friends on the same server is a nightmare. Maybe suggest allowing to choose your spawn point at least so you can let you friend know.

I don't know if there is going to be anything fixed with zombies clipping and attacking through the walls but its killed me a few times and it's just really frustrating.

The drops in the town also seem very weak sometimes. I had recently explored an entire small town and only found one or two builds we could go in but at that point the zombies were onto us and we got smoked... again in a major part due them attacking me through a wall.

Really it sounds like I hate the game but I don't. I see massive potential here and what has been done already is great. I just think if it could be a bit more user friendly for people to figure out how to play, what the game is about and what the mechanics are it would be great!

Congrats on making an excellent mod and what I think will be a staple in future zombie games to come.

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Personnally i think it's about time a game was hardcore... That's what games used to be like. I can remember playing games without even the controls written in the manual, no saves, and very very hard... You would need weeks, if not months for the hardest of games, for you to finish them (i was young too so that does add to the factor that they are harder).

But you know what, when you finished it, you forgot all that ranting, and throwing your pad around cause you died for the 20th time at the same part... You were proud, happy, and that made your day. And you knew that 20mn later, there would be more trouble.

Thats something i like about Dayz, it's hard... You die alot, and get better, everything isnt just given to you. Fed up of devs of games making things easier, reducing damage to players, making ennemies slower, more predictable, just because the new generation of players doesnt wat to die more than 3 times for the same reason because "it suxxx, dis game is too hard!!!! WTF!!!" and then " dis game is CRAP!!! keep dying all the time!!!".

Dont you feel stimulated by the challenge of having to go find your friends instead of spawning next to them, going in to a town not knowing if you'll find what you want and if you'll come out alive?

No fun if you knew you could go in the town, get what you wanted and come out safe and sound. You need the risk.

Now for the bugs though i agree, but it's an alpha, and i'm sure the devs are well aware of bugs, and i think some are ARMA engine related so the devs of ARMA will have to fix them.

Stories or aspirations make choices for people, instead of people making the choices, which i think is counter-productive to this game.

If you want aspirations or missions, why not role-play with your pals and create missions and a scenario? You'll enjoy it much more, because you created it and lived it. It wasnt just some quest or whatever that was given to you and you followed it.

Just my thoughts on it all :)

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I just want the option to spawn where i want on the coast to meet up with a friend or 2

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Personnally i think it's about time a game was hardcore... That's what games used to be like. I can remember playing games without even the controls written in the manual' date=' no saves, and very very hard... You would need weeks, if not months for the hardest of games, for you to finish them (i was young too so that does add to the factor that they are harder).

But you know what, when you finished it, you forgot all that ranting, and throwing your pad around cause you died for the 20th time at the same part... You were proud, happy, and that made your day. And you knew that 20mn later, there would be more trouble.

Thats something i like about Dayz, it's hard... You die alot, and get better, everything isnt just given to you. Fed up of devs of games making things easier, reducing damage to players, making ennemies slower, more predictable, just because the new generation of players doesnt wat to die more than 3 times for the same reason because "it suxxx, dis game is too hard!!!! WTF!!!" and then " dis game is CRAP!!! keep dying all the time!!!".

Dont you feel stimulated by the challenge of having to go find your friends instead of spawning next to them, going in to a town not knowing if you'll find what you want and if you'll come out alive?

No fun if you knew you could go in the town, get what you wanted and come out safe and sound. You need the risk.

Now for the bugs though i agree, but it's an alpha, and i'm sure the devs are well aware of bugs, and i think some are ARMA engine related so the devs of ARMA will have to fix them.

Stories or aspirations make choices for people, instead of people making the choices, which i think is counter-productive to this game.

If you want aspirations or missions, why not role-play with your pals and create missions and a scenario? You'll enjoy it much more, because you created it and lived it. It wasnt just some quest or whatever that was given to you and you followed it.

Just my thoughts on it all :)


100% agree with this

The problem is all of these kids who grew up with these modern games in the ADD generation that tell you what to do and make everything as obvious as possible (regenerating health, respawn where you die, etc.), so they come on here and complain how "it's too hard" or "walking takes too much time" or "I die too easily" or "I keep running out of ammo lets have melee weapons" or "how there should be tons of working vehicles"

When you make stuff too easy there is no challenge or reward

I like this game because it's challenging and hard

I like having to communicate and make the trip to meet up with my group (it's more rewarding)

Keep the spawn system how it is. I like knowing that when I kill someone, say in Elektro, that they just can't choose to spawn back there right away and kill me

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Have a friend/buddy system implemented, and it allows you to choose to spawn with them along the coast. Allows for friends to play together, stops problems of spawning where it is convinient, where they can get revenge kills etc.

And don't have it work across the whole map, just the starting areas.

I'm not necessarily advocating this, but I think it is a good compromise between the two different points of view.

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Have a friend/buddy system implemented' date=' and it allows you to choose to spawn with them along the coast. Allows for friends to play together, stops problems of spawning where it is convinient, where they can get revenge kills etc.

And don't have it work across the whole map, just the starting areas.

I'm not necessarily advocating this, but I think it is a good compromise between the two different points of view.


I agree with this.

Just along the coast only :)

Hopefully rocket can comment on what he thinks about this :)

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I agree guys the aspect of it being so difficult makes the game what it is, I just hope the devs won't fall into the "This is to hard" rubbish. My friends and I quite enjoy using map coordinates and land marks to locate each others positions.

The bugs I totally agree on it has happened to me multiple times but I know the devs are aware and working on it.

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