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Bring back the disconnect timer

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Hey, I'm here to suggest and rant a little bit.

I've been playing DayZ for quite a long time now, and on my last character, which I was pretty baller on, I met up with my friend in Zelenogorsk.

We both got shot at, but since we've been playing for a long time we knew how to handle it. The guy who shot at me, I managed to put nearly a whole clip of DMR into. He was still alive. My friend then shot him in the head with a DB shotty. He disconnected instantly. Two minutes later when I was recovering from having 11k blood taken out my body in two minutes, he came back and shot us both.

Please, please, PLEASE bring back the disconnect timer, or some form of save system that works to prevent disconnecting like that. It's frustrating, it's annoying, it's maddening. It's the only thing I actually want added right now.


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I'm pretty sure there never was any disconnect timer.

I'm also pretty sure that Rocket said that the alt-f4'ing isn't even on his to-do list until the game is a stand alone version or at least until all the connecting issues, hacking issues and some other issues are dealt with.

We can only hope that one day something will be done but until then we just have to pray to the god of Z that they don't go disco on us.

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