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DeadWeight85 (DayZ)

US 83 Offical Thread

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US 83 Hosted by TopMarks Gaming

Status: Online


Beta Patch: 94945

DayZ Version:

Difficulty Settings: Regular

3rd Person - ON

Cross Hairs - On

Tags - On

Administrative Team:

DeadWeight = Co-Owner

Essobee = Co-Owner

Volatyle = Admin

Maniacle = Admin

Liren = Admin

Our server is located in Texas and hosted by DayZHosting.com. The server is generally up 99% of the day, but on patch days and when upgrading scripts and such the server may be down for a short time. We restart the server everyday at 0200, 0800, 1400, and 2000 EST. We have a zero tolerance for DC in fights, and we do kick/ban for this. Otherwise, we have a very active community.

Feel free to use this thread for any discussion regarding the server quality, politics, engagements, etc.

Abuse Reporting:

You can contact me via PM here on the forums or through email @ [email protected]


If you're interested in donating to keep our server running feel free to PM me and I'll send you my PayPal information.

Edited by DeadWeight85

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Also for public knowledge here is a list of people who decide to DC out of combat:




Igor BR Brother

+VBR+ mega-750



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Bump to an excellent server.

Server browser not working? Just hit REMOTE button and put in the IP and port. Should be good to go!

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