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Looking for group/partner - EU

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hey guys. i have been playing dayz for a good month or so now, but i have mainly been playing solo.. sure i have had picked up some strangers i met, but i have gotten to the point where i really wanna dedicate myself to a team.

what i can offer:

my skills at the games is decent. i made it to the airfield by myself once.

always helpfull to my fellow teammates.

careful by nature.

knows pretty much the whole coastline like the back of my pocket (including loot drops)

currently well equipped ( biggest backpack coyote, binoqulars, m1911 with 6 mags, plenty of food and water, lee enfield w. 4 mags, camping tent, etc.)

what i expect:

not having me playing a particular day being mandatory. (dont expect i can put in unlimited time)

friendly teammates.

voice chat possible (duh)

democracy (i dont want a particular leader. we should all have a say in things)

about me:

name: Patrick

Location: Denmark

Age: 20

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