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Another Corrupt Admin/Server: US 241 82ndid.com

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Got into a fire fight with my friends and the server admin and his crew 3 times today. We ran into him alone early this morning at the air field where he started shooting at us as we were coming in, after my friend hunter shot him with his m16 he alt-F4ed. Not 10 minutes later in the middle of our looting, he spawns back in and proceedes to kick 2 of my friends then kill me and hunter. When they both finally got back on he killed the other two.

Not being little girls, we continue playing on the server, about 30 minutes later i get shot in the back by an FN FAL putting me into instant shock at 2k blood while my friends proceed to decimate him to pieces and kill him as we loot his super awesome crash site gear. Now, every 5 minutes he continues to kick 1 of us at random hopeing he catches us in a bad position.

So please avoid this server and their website, they are shoot on sight butt hurt bandits who can't take their own medicine.



PS. Between dying over and over to bugs, zombies that 1 shot me from max blood to 3k blood, broken everything, and 5 minute shock, Alt-F4ing players, and corrupt 12 year old admins this game is really showing just how mad i can get at a video game. There needs to be a log out timer where alt-F4ing leaves your char in game in place for 15 seconds even after the game closes.

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And some people want to give admins more control over their servers. FFS!

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