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Need some advice.. low on blood, passing out..what would you do?

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Ok.. I'm in some trouble. I bumped into a fellow survivor who shot 1st but not last! Our little gun fight also brought a lot of Zeds to me..while i lay with broken legs and bleeding badly. I survived, and luckily had a morphine on me.

I have no matches.. so hunting is not an option to get my blood up. (I have knife & hatchet). I had 4 tins on me so i ate them all..

I'm outside Zelenogorsk, wanting to get to the market for supplies, i'm on 1,800 blood and am passing out every few minutes. Not sure what the hell to do. I'm worried if i go into the town i'll pass out with Zeds around me...but i have no other option.

So i have a few questions:

  • At what level of blood will i stop regularly passing out?
  • Will my actions affect how often i pass out?
  • Will a Zed get aggroed by me if i'm passed out and they see me?
  • What would you do?.. i wont suicide.


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I would suicide. But you could go in Survivor HQ on these forums as give people your location. Ask for a blood transfusion. If you are too low, you will pass out regularly until you either eat enough food to regain a good chunk of your lost blood or get a transfusion. If a Zed sees you and you pass out, you are going to become their dinner. Good luck,

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Personally I never leave a town without a hatchet, a compass, matches, and a knife. Thus I can usually get animals back for blood :/

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  • At what level of blood will i stop regularly passing out?
  • Will my actions affect how often i pass out?
  • Will a Zed get aggroed by me if i'm passed out and they see me?
  • What would you do?.. i wont suicide.

1. From the dayZ wiki:" Dropping below 3000 blood will cause the player to drift in and out of consciousness (there is a 1 in 100 chance for this, and it is rolled once every second in the game)."

2. No

3. Yes

4. Try to get some food or a blood bag from a friend.

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If you have a gun id lay in wait at a high traffic area and gun someone down for food.

Hey, I'm a bandit... what can i say?

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Ask for assistance, many people at the survivor HQ can help you.

You will stop passing out after getting 3000 blood.

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If you have hatchet, knife and matches you could make your way out of the town asap and into the wilderness to gut wild animals. This happened to me the other day, I was in Devils Castle to see if there was any valuable loot and I got into a firefight with a fellow survivor, I was coming up the wooden ladders and he was waiting at the doorway ready to pop my head, but he did not expect me to fight back, he fired 4 shots to my torso(i got lucky and did not pass out or break any bones, I take it was a low caliber gun) I then returned fire and managed to scare him to alt+f4.

As I was left with 800 blood and bleeding badly I stumble back to ground level(high risk and maybe dumb move as it was difficult to see anything from the blur, but I did see the white dots on the edge of screen and silouettes of zeds closing in) bandaged myself as fast as I could. I got 680 somethings blood left and I cant see jack, tried to see my compass for directions but could barely recognize the arrow pointing north. I kill the most of the zeds and sprint the heck out of the castle area into the woods, luckily I did not pass out. But once I got into the woods I started to pass out frequently and I was kinda low on options of what to do.

I decide to suck it up and endure the blurry hell/passing out every minute or so. With no friends to yell to come to aid I start to scan surroundings for white dots in the area and start killing/gutting boars and goats for meat, slowly regening my health. And here I am still, going strong and being a bit more cautious even if there isn't any indication of survivors :thumbsup:

Edited by FDFJ

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Thanks that is really helpful.

I was really hoping the level was 2000 blood when i'd stop passing out..that way one tin of food n the market would have been enough. I agree, if i had of spawned near Cherno or Electro i would not have left without matches... but i didn't so decided to head for Zelenogorsk for the missing supplies.. unfortunately ran into him jumpy on the way.

I'm just gonna have to crawl in super careful and hope to god there are some matches in town or a ton of cans.. its a bitch of a town to not agrro any Zeds in.. but i might be lucky. I'm on the right side to get to the market.

Regarding banditry.. i'll have to kill anyone i see...survival time right now. Normally i wouldn't.. but i want to live!

I'll use my MP5SD6 with one clip to kill any Zeds i have to on the way in, I also have a AKM with plenty of ammo.... wish me luck, i'm gonna need it. :)

Edited by MadTommy

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i'd log out. log back into a Euro server or one that is in darkness. since you are near a town, you have a shot. since you are limited to crawling, you are going to be practically invisible. especially if it starts raining.

i found that in these conditions Zed has to practically step on you to agro.

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i'd log out. log back into a Euro server or one that is in darkness. since you are near a town, you have a shot. since you are limited to crawling, you are going to be practically invisible. especially if it starts raining.

i found that in these conditions Zed has to practically step on you to agro.

Good idea.. going in in the dark. (i'm not limited to crawling.. i've fixed my leg.. but if i run i'm gonna pass out with Zeds on me!)

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I'm actually right outside of zelenogorsk.. server? PM me? By the supermarket too. Can you even message people in these forums? lol

Steam ID is DASdweezle

I am friendly.

Edited by DAS1337
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I tried to PM you....think you have your PMs turned off.

The following errors were found

The member DAS1337 can not use the messaging system

This personal message has not been sent

I don't use steam. Cheers.

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I tried to PM you....think you have your PMs turned off.

I don't use steam. Cheers.

I think I enabled it now.

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I think I enabled it now.

Not working.. don't worry, thanks anyway.

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You should get to residential properties or a super market in a smaller town and load up on all the food you can find. I wouldn't bother with blood packs unless you're luck enough to know someone who will give you a transfusion as afaik you can't self-transfuse. FYI - cooked meat gives 1000 hp(or blood)

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You should get to residential properties or a super market in a smaller town and load up on all the food you can find. I wouldn't bother with blood packs unless you're luck enough to know someone who will give you a transfusion as afaik you can't self-transfuse. FYI - cooked meat gives 1000 hp(or blood)

I took care of him.. He's 12000 strong and off to face the world again =)

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