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Any UK gamers out there?

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Im looking to play with some friendly gamers. I've been playing Dayz around 2 weeks now, been north a few times and generally know how to navigate around. I've been shot a dozen or so times by other players and it's getting very boring. I think it'll be better having some other players to work with, ideally with some experience but im happy to teach someone the ropes too. My steam account is maktyr and my skype is maktyr. Based in the UK and 24 years old.

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Maktyr. A pleasure to hear from you but unfortunate that you seem to have been having bad luck with "survivors". It's safe to say that you're not the only one. Many a time have i come across survivors that just shoot on sight and it's very annoying.

I'm also in the UK and have been looking (since day 1 infact) to find friendly players that are willing to join forces. I've been playing now for a few weeks and know the ins and outs and am currently exploring the northern territories.

Feel free to contact me. My Steam account is: AdamHodsdon399

I often play however it isn't linked to my steam (can't seem to set it up right so i have a basic shortlink on my desktop :P )


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Yes, it can be very frustrating. Everyone seems to shoot other players on site by default and I prefer not to do so. It seems like you spend the first hour gearing up and after that you have to be ever so sneaky if you want to keep your kit. After the initial fury at being killed, it can be a relief to start on the beach sometimes because you can run like a crazy man into the town. It's still a pain in the arse to collect everything over each time. The odds for me to meet a friendly player are 1 in 100, unless you meet them out of the game. Steam seems to be broken/down right now so i'll add you once it's back up.

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We also have a large member base, mainly from the UK, great ping server etc :) Pop on by and say hi :)

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I know that feeling far too well - I always give people a chance when I see them which usually leads to me getting shot in the face or hatcheted that one time..

In either case I'm also from the UK and would enjoy playing with you guys so if you want add me on steam (paragonx9792) and let me know if your about on Day Z :)

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