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LoG Steppenwolf

Decent Giude for the DMR?

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does someone has an descent giude for the DMR?

I know how the get the right distance (1,8*1000/height in milidots) for standing targets etc.

But i don´t know how to adjust for that. Some say it´s zeroed at 300m others it´s zeroed at 400m. Some even say, they zeroind differs depending if you zoomed in fully or not.

And i don´t know how to use the milidots to adjust for the distance. I know that it isn´t something like "every milidot represents 200m".

It´s something like 1,4 milidots for 200m etc.

Can someone help me with a decent guide?

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Edited by Shniva
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Wrong, just wrong...

Would be cool to find something that is actual accurate.

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