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Looking for DayZ Partners/Group [Europe] [18+]

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I am looking for (a group of) gamers to play DayZ with (Other games possible if all goes well).


- 3 to 4 players (More if manageable)

- 18+, Mature (Important)

- From Europe (Important)

- Understandable English (I'm not from UK myself)

- Can play at least a few hours per week (Every day isn't necessary)

- Skype and microphone (Important) (Other communication program possible if majority wants to)

Keywords: Respect, Tactical, Unselfish, Not Impetuous, Hardcore, Serious

Goals: Surviving together

Recording is allowed. If enough people agree, we could start a Youtube Channel (1 or Individual).

Interested? Please leave a message (in this topic, preferably) with some information about yourself, what you expect of this group, etc... (Just so other people can see what you are like)

You can also contact me on Skype: NymThePseudo

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Sorry, I read it afterwards, that's why I reposted it in Survivor HQ because I couldn't find out how to replace or remove it.

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We are currently no longer searching for people. If we need people in the future, we will create a new topic.

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