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Suggestion - Disable Server Transition

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Today my suggestion is this - disable the ability to transfer from server to server.

i think there should be a set amount of servers within each country, dependent on how many players are from that area

e.g. if 50% of players are from the US and the 20% from UK and then 10% from Brazil then the server amount would correlate to this.

Then make players register to a server . increase server capacity to say 80 people so that there is space for multiple clans and limit the players to that one server.

this would mean people wouldn't be able to choose to join the empty servers, or to only play in daylight or to server hop to get loot, or to avoid a battle, or to move and then log back in getting past barbed wire etc.

possibly there should be a small amount of servers that anyone can join when there is space but i think this should be <10% of all the servers


Puts an end to server hopping which solves problems including

Loot Hopping

PK Hopping

Changing server to get past defenses

Changing server due to time

Changing Server due to zombies, or when injured to receive treatment.


Players who play in the evening will have to play in the dark (Solvable if the servers ran on 2 or 3 days per every real life day, meaning people will have to survive during both day and night)

Clans can become very powerful (that could easily be a pro)

Servers can get full (limit the amount of people that registers for a server)

Server Crashes (tough shit / move to one of the open servers for that time)

Opinions without added sarcasm cos you think you're funny is always appreciated :)

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Alsoo for regular servers, certain names would eventually be linked with people who PK and who don't, leading to people knowing who to shoot quick and who to trust

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Increasing the capacity would make bandwidth and servers cost more in general, so I don't see that happening.

The 2-3 days per RL day wouldn't work, it ruins the immersion of time which is one of the key factors of this mod.

Also I don't get the rest, are you saying that they should limit it so that you can only join servers in your own country or what?

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"[sarcasm=0]Previously suggested and an utterly unworkable and stupid suggestion[/sarcasm=0]"

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server transfers are troubelsom and leave alot of room for exploiting at the moment but its really the best thing from a mass perspective. the hardcore gamers will abbuse the system while the casual gamers will be able to save their shit if a server goes down and play some more on another server.

as for server capasity i wouldent expect it to go over 100. there is alot of data being transfered and alot of zombies running arround and im honestly supprised they where able to pull this mod off even though the zombie behaviour is far from perfect this is still a hugely insane achievement 300-600 zombies in 1 server and 100 people and some how the server dosent fully explode.

planet side right now is a fps with 1000 people on a shard none of which are ai and their running serious mmo server power.

Edited by crimsom

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Increasing the capacity would make bandwidth and servers cost more in general, so I don't see that happening.

The 2-3 days per RL day wouldn't work, it ruins the immersion of time which is one of the key factors of this mod.

Also I don't get the rest, are you saying that they should limit it so that you can only join servers in your own country or what?

I'm basically saying that you should only be allowed to join one server, and that will be your server forever more, unless you decide you hate that server kill your character and register for a new server

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"[sarcasm=0]Previously suggested and an utterly unworkable and stupid suggestion[/sarcasm=0]"

just because you don't like it doesn't mean its unworkable, infact it is very workable and it used on a shitmofucktruckload of games

thanks for your input though, it was great #sarcasm

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think there should be a set amount of servers within each country,

Servers are privately owned and managed by players. What are you going to do, ban random servers until you reach the allowed number of servers?

increase server capacity to say 80 people so that there is space for multiple clan

Again, is Rocket going to send money to the server admins so that they can afford a 80-slots one?

Edited by Kiro

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Servers are privately owned and managed by players. What are you going to do, ban random servers until you reach the allowed number of servers?

Again, is Rocket going to send money to the server admins so that they can afford a 80-slots one?

fair points. ok if that's an issue keep the server count at 50 and allow people to register for any server, first come first served

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Characters bound to specific servers might work if things were much more stable. Problem now is the serving you are playing on could very likely just go down for any amount of time at any time.

It will suck when you get dc'd by external factors but lockout times after a dc might help the issue. Say 10 mins. Give you some time to twack it.

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"[sarcasm=0]Previously suggested and an utterly unworkable and stupid suggestion[/sarcasm=0]"


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There are unoffical private hive servers already. This basically is what you suggest. You join one or 2 servers and your survivor there is only persistent on those servers. It reduces the amount of friends you can have come and join maybe but its what you are suggesting. Otherwise your suggestion is not in line with what the devs are trying to do. So that is why i say its unworkable. The cons out weigh the pros by far.

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as a crossover of a mmorpg and a fps i think one of the main things thats missing is character recognition. when you play a mmorpg you get to know who the pricks are, who the really good people are, who to avoid, who to ask for help etc.

as things are this cannot happen in this game, 1 because there is no way to differentiate and 2 because chances are unless you're in a teamspeak group you arent going to be in the same server as people for long enough, which is why it ends up shoot on sight

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It's the WoWers and hardcore fecktard MMOers coming to this game and expecting a similar vibe that are poisoning the alpha testing community of this mod.

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