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Horrible performance in cherno/electro

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Running around in the small towns etc and hunting barns, I can play this almost maxed out fine.

However in cherno I get like 10-20fps, even with low settings. My rig isn't fantastic, but it should definately be enough to run this game smooth (then again Arma 2 engine is weird, but cmon, 20fps on low settings?)


Intel Core i7 860 2.8GHz

GTX570 @ 800/1600/2000MHz

8GB ram, 1333MHz

Is there some performance tweaks I must do? Pretty much unplayable when I'm trying to score canned beans in cherno.

Thanks in advance for helpful advice :)

Edited by Fryseboks
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Well there are a lot of setting is Arma video section.. why don't you detail what yours actually are.. might well help.

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Well there are a lot of setting is Arma video section.. why don't you detail what yours actually are.. might well help.

1920x1080 resolution. Tried adjusting pretty much every video option, didn't help much.

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I also have an gtx 570, and updating the Nvidia driver gave me about 5/10 fps more.

Guess it isn't really the solution, but all small bits help :)

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I also have an gtx 570, and updating the Nvidia driver gave me about 5/10 fps more.

Guess it isn't really the solution, but all small bits help :)

Yeah I will do that now.

Do you also have the same problems as me? Not that being in cherno is enjoyable anyway, but I'd like to leaat st have a pretty framerate if I am feeling suicidal.

I can run Battlefield 3 on high/ultra with 40fps+ on this rig, hoping for similar performance here shouldn't be too much :(

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My fps is 50/60 away from towns. In towns it can drop to 40, but it's still fine.

Don't know what my settings are. But it isn't low.

You could maybe also try to turn you view distance down.

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My fps is 50/60 away from towns. In towns it can drop to 40, but it's still fine.

Don't know what my settings are. But it isn't low.

You could maybe also try to turn you view distance down.

I got the same problem. Not quite the rig that youve got but still it is enough. And its only in Cherno/electro i get these problems, mostly...

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my issue is Ive got a 7850 2gb with a amd 8120 OC to 4.0 and 8 gb of ram, I dont get where this game fails, I get around 20-30 fps, yet Ive benchmarked and I only use 5 gb of ram when playing, 40-50% of gpu and cpu, so WHY is there an fps issue, does the game not know how to use all the resources of a computer, Ive tried adjusting normally BIG fps gainers and I barely see a 1-2 fps gain, things like AA, draw distance, texture detail, resolution. None seems to do enough to be a difference. Oh and Im on an SSD with 500 read rate, so it cant be data wise. Also Im up to date on latest drivers. The game also slows down over time and things like that. Just curious if there is a fix for stuff like this

Edited by The General

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my issue is Ive got a 7850 2gb with a amd 8120 OC to 4.0 and 8 gb of ram, I dont get where this game fails, I get around 20-30 fps, yet Ive benchmarked and I only use 5 gb of ram when playing, 40-50% of gpu and cpu, so WHY is there an fps issue, does the game not know how to use all the resources of a computer, Ive tried adjusting normally BIG fps gainers and I barely see a 1-2 fps gain, things like AA, draw distance, texture detail, resolution. None seems to do enough to be a difference. Oh and Im on an SSD with 500 read rate, so it cant be data wise. Also Im up to date on latest drivers. The game also slows down over time and things like that. Just curious if there is a fix for stuff like this

Everything you say points to your CPU as a bottleneck.

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Being in cities will tax your system a lot more than in the woods/small towns. It's just the way it is.

Make sure you have shadows set to at least high (anything lower puts their processing burden on your CPU). Also, try defragging your hard drive. Disable Hyperthreading on your CPU in your PC's bios.

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Honestly, I had decent performance in cities until the patches 4/13. Maybe it's the host I play on, because I've only played on two different servers hosted by HFBservers.com.

It's happening to me and everyone I play with. We get 40-50 FPS outside big cities and 15-20 in Cherno and Elektro.

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Well glad it at least isn't only me. Pretty annoying, and it seems to get worse and worse the longer I am in there. If I enter and then leave the place, the performance is in the woods is also lowered until I reboot the game.

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Well glad it at least isn't only me. Pretty annoying, and it seems to get worse and worse the longer I am in there. If I enter and then leave the place, the performance is in the woods is also lowered until I reboot the game.

Exactly what we experience.

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Well glad it at least isn't only me. Pretty annoying, and it seems to get worse and worse the longer I am in there. If I enter and then leave the place, the performance is in the woods is also lowered until I reboot the game.

Instead of rebooting the game try holding [Left Shift] down and then press the [Numpad - (minus)] button. Then let go and type FLUSH to flush the video memory. You won't see it being typed but it will register.

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Well glad it at least isn't only me. Pretty annoying, and it seems to get worse and worse the longer I am in there. If I enter and then leave the place, the performance is in the woods is also lowered until I reboot the game.


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Instead of rebooting the game try holding [Left Shift] down and then press the [Numpad - (minus)] button. Then let go and type FLUSH to flush the video memory. You won't see it being typed but it will register.

Does this open a console? Exactly what happens?

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