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Noobster (DayZ)

Outrunning zombies

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Well I've started play DayZ and I can't seem to outrun zombies unless I run for a good 10-15mins unless there's a hill nearby. I also can't seem to sneak past them, I've tried to prone but still no cigar. All I am doing is running from zombies and it's quite boring to be honest, also when I've been chased twice I heard a 'pop' then I heard a second one then I was dead, was that a player shooting at me? Well is there anyway to outrun them without sprinting five miles?


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Try to break line of sight, run into the woods, when runing always try to cover your back asap, zigzag between trees/bushes.

If you manage to break line of sight multiple times, they'll stop chasing you.

Or run into a building and shoot them there one by one.



when a you hear a gunshot near to you, start running zigzag or run into the woods, cover cover COVER!!!:)

Edited by kajonna
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Sprinting downhill through woods works for me. Use your alt key to look behind you and keep an eye on the chasing zombies, try to break line of site using the pine trees and when they loose interest for a second drop to the ground and crawl away.

To avoid them to loot towns keep your eye on the eye and ear icon. stay as far away from them as possible in prone and if they get too close stop moving. unless they wander into you they should just pass by.

Edited by Talon2000uk
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Thanks, I didn't know that the trees broke the line of sight. Regarding the ear and eye icon, how far will they detect you, say for example I had two bars on each how far away will they be able to see or hear me?

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Its difficult to say exactly with no eye and ear you are practically invisible to Zs, the chance of being spotted seems to rise exponentiation with how many Eye and Ear you have until at full Eye and Ear they can see you from hundreds of meters and hear you from the same.

This survival guide from the wiki contains some good info on this and other DayZ tactics. It's a must read for all new players and helped me a lot when I was starting.

Edited by Talon2000uk
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Some good advice there guys. I found running up a hill stops the agrro as well needs to be quite steep though as they can run up some.

When moving around villages and towns, it is often best to plan a route of entry because if you look hard enough there is always a way through the zombies. IF they are continuously spotting you its because you are not being quiet and are to visible so get down and crawl about or crouch-run while holding shift will make you even quieter!

Edited by deltaforce11

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ty for the link to the Survival Guide, Talon! you get my beans today.

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So far I've been lucky with ducking around buildings and dropping to the ground.

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Those pops were another player shooting at you or he may have just been trying to help but was a shit shot.

Try going under/over fences, get a decent lead before you do though. The animation takes a bit and they can hit you easily.

Go through houses, barns, stores, etc. and then croutch walk out the back.

Do as above but instead of walking out you can shoot them. PRO TIP: Never do this with an Enfield unless you want 45 zombies coming your way. The enfield is a fucking MAC cannon.

Run through the forest.

Run in zig zags.

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Enter a building, they're only able to run if you're really close to them inside of it, then just run away.

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buildings usually work for me like going up rooftops and running up/down stairs

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Thanks works extremely well with the zig zags. Plus I hardly become detected anymore, even if I do a silent hatchet to the face is satisfactory. Thanks again :)

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