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Looking for PVP/bandits from EU

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I'm looking for a group of serious minded PVP afficiandos like myself. I'm looking for English speaking Europeans who play during EU day and evening hours. I'm playing since approx. 10 days so I am by no means a hardcore veteran but I know how to get around, get my gear together. I'm looking for group/squad play to engage other teams. Even if you're just a single player, two is better than one so let's team up.

You should:

- Be older than 20 (I'm 38 so I guess that makes me a grandpa around here LMAO)

- Be able to play during EU day or night hours (I am)

- Speak (and understand) English fluently

- Calm and collected and understand death is part of PVP

I got Skype/TS3 installed so just PN or reply with your info and I'll add you. Or add me on steam "Maball".

See ya

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I'd be very interested in serious PVP, had a lot of experience with higher-tier clan gaming as a teen. Have left all that behind due to the commitments that came with adult life, but my attitude remains and would love to make some competent friends in this game, I've been playing games on my own for so many years now.

I'm 24 and from London, UK. Let me know if you get a group going or something. My steam is z.layrex.

Also, playing solo all the time in this game is just generally a pain in the arse.

Edited by z-layrex

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Constantly adding to our squad at the moment you both sound like you would be nice additions. We rent the EU 32 server and use ventrillo for communication, microphone is a must!

I'll add you both on steam so we can play some.

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Would love to jump in to the group, relatively new but picking the game up fast.

22yo, native English speaker, and a competent team member.

Steam - wintersw0lf

@Savage add me as well if you like, would be interested in finding a UK server to call home.

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I'm able to play during EU day and weekend night hours.

I speak, write and understand English fluently.

Mostly I'm calm, yet I'm a quite hyped up guy if I had a couple of beers. (Who isn't)

One issue, I'm 18 years old, it's up to you whether you'd make an exception or not.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Cheers, Jordy

-The Netherlands

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This sounds interesting, similar situation to myself.

I've just started playing, I'm 37 or 38 (I forget!)

I'm in the UK and play in the evenings.

Have a mic so good to go.

Bored already of playing with myself (giggity) ----- I'm mature dammit!

My steam is : Bodser

Just a quick edit: if anyone has bans on record in Steam, I will not add you.

Edited by chuddy

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