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"Specialty" packs

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I think it would be a neat idea to add some "specialty" packs that you can use instead of backpacks. These specialty packs have a higher slot capacity that backpacks, but can only carry a certain type of item (medical supplies, ammo, mechanical parts, etc).


You can find small "specialty" packs that you can use in addition to your backpack, but adds a few more slots to a certain type of item.

This would help add a sort of "role" play without forcing classes on the whole population, so if a group of friends wanted a medic, they could have a medic, also it just adds more interesting loot to the game.

I would prefer the latter one, though, to the first suggestion.

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A gun bag would be nice so that you dont loose 10 slots plus ammo.

I would like a 40-50 slot pack...with a .10% drop rate XD

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