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Dimedius (DayZ)

Possible cheat or admin abuse?

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I have been playing on a veteran server (the same one) for over a week. In that time my buddies and I have been having fun finding vehicles and messing killing those trying to take our lootz.

Today, when I logged into our normal server I find out that it still says veteran in the title but the server has actually been changed to regular. The last time I tried out a regular server (I had been trying to join any server when 1.7.2 first launched and just wanted to play), my buddies got killed and I lucked out. This time (our normal server changed its difficulty within hours of us finding a bunch of nice vechicles). This then lead to our teams (3 seperate teams going to 3 different objectives) got wiped out within minutes of each other.

Upon respawn, we discover that our vehicles are gone (the really nice ones) and the rest destroyed. So my question is, is it possible for an admin to use regular settings to his/her advantage? Or merely a coincidence? I smell a cheater but since I don't have hard proof it's all chalked up to speculation.

Not accusing anyone but I think it's coincendental on how events played out so quickly, especially it being changed to regular server (2nd time playing on veteran, think i learned muh lesson to never touch one again lol).

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Thats either an extreme coincidence or someone was hacking. I don't beleive an Admin has that power.

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3rd person can be exploited by anyone (seeing without being seen)

potentially the admins decided to make their combat easier

probably not, if they're running a vet server, they probably know how to make 1st work for them

and you say 'within hours' so like, pretty tenuous

and then the three separate teams, like wut? how's the admin sposed to track them all down and get them boatmurdered?

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Right, just wondering what powers an admin has over these servers or something about regular servers that makes it easier to track people (I see myself, buddies and vehicles on the map and just wondered if there was a way people were exploiting that).

Just seemed kind of fishy to me you know? Been able to hold our own ground against people who had silenced weapons/NVG's (thanks again for the good loots, bandits!) and then on a day where the server changes its type and everything gone (yes I've already learned to not become too attached to thing lol) in a short time (from the time we died and ran back to camp about 30-45 mins)...

All coincidental I'm sure, just really reaching out to the community to see if anyone out there has a lot of knowledge on this kind of thing happening before.

Thanks for the info though :)

Update: found more camp sites to resupply lost loots already :P

Edited by Dimedius

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If tags are on, then people can easily swip their weapons around until they find something or someone.

Makes finding vehicles FAR easier, and makes finding players a bit easier and keeping track of their movements so much better it feels like a cheat.

If tags were not turned on, then I don't know. Maybe a great clan has entered your server and is setting up camp?

(Changing the server type without updating the title is not uncommon, same happens with patches and servers not stating they are NOT updated and the titles saying they are when they aren't)

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3rd person can be exploited by anyone (seeing without being seen)

Third person view is not an exploit and cannot be exploited since it's basically there just for that.

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