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Frozen (DayZ)

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The main idea of this thread is to make toolbox required for placing barbed wire and tank traps.

And sandbag fence is a different story, that you`ll see at the end of the post.

i`m also fine with the fact that you cant pass through all this crap without tools, but you can irl with some effort, so i will pretend that this are engine limitations.

Barbed wire

first you should check this link link at 4-5. what barbed wire that implemented in game is in real life.


as you can see on the picture you need somehow to place wooden pillars into the graund, so it wont easily movable, and in order to do that you need a hammer, which can be found in a toolbox, or hatchet. but you also need a pair of thick leather gloves, which can be found in a toolbox again. if you dont have youll get wounded(some initial blood loss and bleeding). also bare in mind that you cant just place it indoor or on concrete, because its nearly impossible to nail pillars into it.

since weight isnt implemented yet, i wont touch it.

Tank traps

again visit this link at 3-16. which explains what hedgehog that implemented in game is.


as you can see that circles on the picture represent bolts and screws, which required to assembly the trap.

and in order to tighten them you need a wrench. and again, you can find it in a toolbox. if you tighten them without wrench, the person who will try to remove trap will be able to disassemble it without a wrench.

in conclusion: you can place these trap without any tools, but you either harm yourself or they will be ineffective.

Sandbag fence


so what sandbag fence is? it just bunch of bags filled with sand and placed on each other in shape of a fence.

in game you need a entrenching tool in order to set it, which is fine, you somehow need to fill the bags, right?

but what about disarming? well technically, you can just move them in other place and they arent an obstacle.

but bags are still filled and they are still there, so what to do with them? well, in terms of balance(you need a tool to place and you need a tool to remove it) the only tool that comes in mind is a knife - you simply cut the bag and make it empty and unusable(new item thread and needle, to make them usable again?)

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Is good idea.

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Good ideas, but i think it would be more realistic, when you can get through barb wire, but with hurting yourself decently(thinking about 2k-3k bloodloss)

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you can hammer down poles in concrete/drill holes/whatever for barbed wire

I mostly agree with need of toolbox, blood loss for moving through barbed wire, etc.

tank traps rarely pose as an obstacle unless there's...MANY of them, not worth tweaking with it when there's other problems to solve.

sand bags are fine as it is. entrenching tools are hard-ish to find, sand bags harder, only time I found some is in someone's tent, and above that you can easily vault over, so it isn't exactly effort-useful balance wise. Should make tank traps hardest to put together (as you said, bolts and shit), next up sand bags and last fencing, at the moment they all take just as long. to set up.

you can make wire in 2 ways, with and without toolbox/axe. with = poles=can't stomp them and walk over, start bleeding, loose 2~3k blood, without=no poles, easy to stomp and walk over, small bleeding that will close itself after 500 blood units.

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you can hammer down poles in concrete/drill holes/whatever for barbed wire

I mostly agree with need of toolbox, blood loss for moving through barbed wire, etc.

tank traps rarely pose as an obstacle unless there's...MANY of them, not worth tweaking with it when there's other problems to solve.

sand bags are fine as it is. entrenching tools are hard-ish to find, sand bags harder, only time I found some is in someone's tent, and above that you can easily vault over, so it isn't exactly effort-useful balance wise. Should make tank traps hardest to put together (as you said, bolts and shit), next up sand bags and last fencing, at the moment they all take just as long. to set up.

you can make wire in 2 ways, with and without toolbox/axe. with = poles=can't stomp them and walk over, start bleeding, loose 2~3k blood, without=no poles, easy to stomp and walk over, small bleeding that will close itself after 500 blood units.

almost forgot about this thread >_> anyway.

in order to place barbed wire on concrete you need drill or(if you strong enough) you can nail it trough, but you cant do this with empty hands.

tank traps aint obstacle for human being at all, but here its an obstacle...

sandbag are in fact too rare. it should be civilian and industrial loot. why? people use bag to store flour, sugar, some event salt and cereals, so it make sense why they are so common. but then again, sandbag fence is quite easy to remove without any tools(take some time though).

not sure about difference in barbed wires damage but if barbed wire was nailed down its should require a toolbox to dismantle if not its can simply pulled away from the way(no toolbox requirements)

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