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Lost save location

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Date/Time: 3:34PM PST 5/19/2012

What happened: Logged in, found out I was reverted to a default spawn after saving up in the castle north of Elektro. Drank a soda, logged out. Logged back in to find my thirst wasn't quenched and drank another soda. Disconnected because of crappy server. Logged back in to find my sodas were gone and my thirst still wasn't quenched. Went searching for water, got shot by a bandit.

Where you were: Near Elektro

What you were doing: Before my respawn reset I was going north with a full load of water and shotgun shells and after the reset i was searching for water.

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: Seattle (Anti Sardine Alliance)

*Your system specs: i5 3.1ghz 8 gigs Mem, 5830 Radeon

*Timeline of events before/after error: Before, logged out near the castle in electro. After, logged in on the coast and drank a soda. My thirst didn't save though.

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Posted this in another thread:

Yeah I don't wtf. This isn't the first time it's happened...I thought I read somewhere that it was the server getting disconnected from teh main database, hive, or some shit. Can't really remember lol. Its around here somewhere.

Totally sucks. I was way up in Berezino when I logged (at like 1pm cst) and then I login a couple hours later and now I'm in Kamenka. Where I started many, many hours ago. I still have my gear, but damn. This shit is harsh. I might wait until it gets a bit more stable. I don't know or play another guy or some shit.

Now I login and I'm in Chernogorsk. /shrug

I thought I could create another profile and I'd play a different guy. I guess not. Guess it just changes your name. That's probably around here as well. Didn't see it. So I guess I'll just wait for this to become more stable before I play again. :(

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I've been having this same issue for a while now. Last location not saved, last gear wasn't saved, for about 3 days If I died spawned in Bor with a Win and whatever I'd had on me during the first day. Just little oddities along those lines. Makes it hard to get up the nerve to start a trek further inland and explore the deeper portions of the map if I know I won't start where I left off. Everytime I log I wonder where I'll spawn next.

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