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Zombies not Spawning

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Date/Time: 4/27/12 Around 11PM PST

What Happened: Spawned in server, Debug Monitor read Zero zombies.

Where you were: New player, so I don't really know. Large City though.

What were you doing: Running around the city looking for zombies because their weren't any.

Currently Installed Version: 1.5 I think.

Server(s) you were on: Several US servers and also a French server, all read zero zombies.

System Specs: Enough to run the game. :D

Timeline: Spawned in and the Debug Monitor said zero zombies. I proceeded to run into the nearest city to see if it was bugged. No zombies.

Hope that helps.

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I have the same problem, I can run though the biggest towns on any server I try and theres no zombies. I see other players shooting but its at nothing that I can see.

I really want to get into this game but its just a scavanger hunt with no Zack around

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guys please read the Important post in this forum before posting. If you want this problem fixed, you need to meet the devs half-way and provide info

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I have had the same problem. I have tried multiple servers. I was using 1.4.23, gonna try with 1.5.1 (I think.) I have ran around for about 2 hours probably in Cherno and the surrounding towns and I haven't seen a single zombie. I've made sure I was running around and making noise, but still nothing. I can see and have been killed by players, but absolutely no zombies. I'm not really sure what else help I can provide apart from that. The mod works and I can log into servers, just no zombies.

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I redownloaded the anim files and now I have zomibes and now the games alot harder :D

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This is happening again tonight, um dallas and NY (can't remember numbers) servers not spawning zombies.

Edit: On dallas 1 atm, server is full with less than 100 zombies, it is spawning some zombies but not often, I have moved through two towns and nothing has spawned.

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This is still happening to me. I tried redownloading the anim files and that didn't work. Anybody have any suggestions?

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It is happening to everyone, on almost every server.

No zombies, no items.

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Items are spawning, but I have not seen a single zombie on 2 different servers for several hours since updating. I partnered up and to me it looked like he was shooting at nothing while he was in fact being attacked by zombies.

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Is not everyone having this issue?

I explored about 5 towns in a row and haven't seen more than a couple zombies total. It was totally different a few days ago where there were commonly near a hundred zombies in certain towns.

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Confirmed to be the same case on pretty much all the servers.

been through about a dozen and i'm never seeing more than 150-200 zombies. Some servers have the zombie count at zero.

Also loot is not spawning in the towns where the zombies are not spawning themselves, only thing coming up is backpacks. Not even tin cans.

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Just to be perfectly clear, the zombie counter reads 0 ALL THE TIME for me. I can see other players and pick up items on the map but the zombie counter ALWAYS reads 0.

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