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I just spawned in the "wilderness". does anyone know where exactly on the map that is?

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It could be anywhere on the coast, your best bet it too walk down the road until you find a sign. Or just kill yourself and re spawn if your lazy.

Edited by Loki713

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I recommend killing yourself if you have nothing. Respawning basically anywhere else will save you time.

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If you can see trees and water and a road, you are most likely west of kamenka.

If you are in a forest with a lot of survivors that are standing and not moving, you are in the debug forest. Respawn.

If you are in an area with no trees and grass. Just plain hills as far as the eye can see, run SSE for an eternity and you may get back to the map. Or just respawn.

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kamenka huh. thought so. good to know in case i happen to spawn there again.

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